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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. To be honest, gratuitous nudity is not needed in high quantities and can negatively impact the perception of a show. However, Macross is part of a more juvenile subset that has walked the line like Johnny Cash for a long time. The sex humor in Macross can be irksome but it has yet to go overboard in my opinion. Other than Sheryl panty chase but hey Macross survived much worse :x
  2. Must be the purple lipstick and fashionable 80s pancho. If only Ranka wore purple lipstick. Man this book also has Lila's shower scene and four pages for Camille including his shower scene. Everyone in robot anime is always taking a shower because they're so hot.
  3. Hell yeah VF-X opening Anyways I'm not really sure any nudity in a robot show is fully justifiable I was looking through my copy of Art of Zeta Gundam and thought about how many of these books must be dog eared just because they threw in Four's bath scene in the book's dedicated Four section
  4. Radically fire!
  5. Well Yamato's hands are tied in the matter. And there's only so many times they can go into their parts stores or rev up the production lines for what to them are gray market customers. I think what is important is now there is a viable made to order source that can be used to save what I believe is the definitive VF-1 toy from a correctable problem. And if Shapeways goes away the cad data could be used again somewhere else. The trick is not stepping on any toes of a tryhard hanger on company most of us have issues with :v
  6. I kno rite! With my mouth it's a wonder anything is a secret :3 But I was trying to stay down low a bit cuz of you know who Then again the product is abstract enough and has no trademarked terms attached to it But I don't want a C&D anytime soon :c
  7. I know a totally unbiased source for replacements if you do have issues.
  8. Look Hugh Jackman's jacks aren't going to sell themselves without top billing.
  9. That was a terrible line that had come too late in the game. Sorry, try again. If you're talking about HLJ, it's my understanding those Kais are on a second issue up for pre-order. The VF-11 took literally years to go on clearance just to get to that point. So how does making money on two hero Valkyries affect the VF-11?
  10. Eh. If you want something overt about nationality, just remember that the classic UN Spacy symbol is just the JSDF one with a kite inside it :3
  11. Aquarion Evol is for hole digging bros http://twitpic.com/9an3so and bye bye missiles it also has fujoshi Ranka Lee
  12. He used to do commercials for pizza parlors
  13. Tenth time's the charm watch it or we might have to give you a remake and replace you with Taylor Lautner :3
  14. don't test this guy he knows his literature
  15. Gubaba and I know this is a big issue fans just can't stop making fake anime to replace the fake anime :3
  16. Shh. What did I tell you about using real life observations on MW :3
  17. All I have to do is look how well VF-11 merchandise sold. There's no speculation necessary.
  18. Can't you just make something for YSFlight
  19. VF5SS


    What do you think happens on the part of this website that isn't about toys :v
  20. VF5SS


    I'm pretty realistic about their Blazer Valkyrie since I reviewed it for CDX. Then I gave it back to JoshB cuz I wanted to wait for Yamato's. Comparing the two side by side, it's no contest.
  21. VF5SS


    whatevs Bandai couldn't make any truly great Macross 7 toys even after copying Yamato's design :v
  22. I'm not saying you need Colt 45 my shoulder hinges to have a good time but why take chances :3
  23. Er uh yeah about that
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