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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Bandai may just issue a new codpiece to buyers like how they issued entire White Dingo GM Sniper 2s because of joint problems.
  2. I want the same super pixelated Gerwalk line art they used on the promo insert
  3. They're great ( ' w')b
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36562&view=findpost&p=963424 The full one will be in Osaka in August
  5. This has nothing to do with the designs, this all about directing and pacing. You can't throw three or four designs into a story, each almost interchangeable in function and expect people to get attached to any of them. I'm sorry, it never works when people try that for any robot anime. They're so disposable it's almost laughable. The Metal Siren is very egregious because it pops up out of nowhere and contributes absolutely nothing important other than mecha porn. Every other Macross production knew how to parse out mecha roles. Plus is literally about new fighters and 7 did the right things in getting new machines into the show. Just throwing stuff on the screen never works for anyone except Gundam, where they have the built up fanbase and entire magazines devoted to marketing robots. although I must admit the more I watch M2, the less appealing the designs get in my eyes :3 edit: ps I'm replaying 2036 and boy is this game awful. I may have to Scramble Valkyrie to get the bad shooter taste out of my brain.
  6. I think they just set it up on a spare VF-25 Renewal stand.
  7. If you check the thread, the full thing will be at Osaka
  8. from Tenjin's twitpic "Oh that thing back there?" "Just something I designed." "No big deal."
  9. Even the YF-19 is a shiny tan airplane cuz Isamu can totally see his own reflection in it :3
  10. The difference in whiteness is there to reflect the overall palette of the two productions. SDF Macross is very bright, hence the pure white VF-1s while DYRL is overall much darker.
  11. Dude, Mash drugged Ishtar. Hibiki and Sylvie got together because of bad writing :v The way they present the Valkyries is terrible. Ishtar running escaping several miles down the road during like a five minute conversation is goofy, especially when she's a busty woman running in heels :3 Man there's a lot wrong with Macross 2's overall presentation. Considering the director has done little of note besides Megazone 23 III, I think we know the root of the problem.
  12. No that's the SDF Macross blu ray boxset. It has box art by Tenjin.
  13. I'd ballpark it around the same cost as the VF-19 or VF-17 just due to complexity. Hopefully the yen will drop a bit by December.
  14. Yeah that's the same defense people used for the prequels and the terrible villain in Star Trek 11.
  15. Are you new here? It took over ten years and two new Macrosses for people to stop tearing into 7 for every little thing. I mean come on now. And to blunt, Macross 2 is a pretty lackluster OVA even for its time. There is nothing remarkable about it, especially when compared to much grander productions like Detonator Orgun and Gundam 0083. Without being a Macross series it would have probably done worse.
  16. Oddly enough the GP01 is the basis for his later hero mecha like the VF-19 series and his Armored Core stuff.
  17. It was all over for robot anime when the first breast missile was fired in anger.
  18. The Reverse Thieves invited me to their speakeasy podcast to talk about Macross 2. It's gonna be great.
  19. That's what she said
  20. Yeah no. Try showing Gunbuster to people who aren't anime fans and you'll get lots of "LOOKIT DEM TITTIES" remarks... Votoms is even worse cuz it's like every episode during the Uoodo arc you get the flashback to Chirico meeting Fynana and her breasts :v
  21. Yeah we're a long way from the codecs they used to put DYRL clips in the Sega Saturn game.
  22. Well the Frontier BDs look fine. I have my doubts that even a fresh high quality scan of the original print of an old movie will break the bank in terms of space. Most BDs are fifty gigs right?
  23. wat Why all the lies ;w; Or did they mean to say on the shirt that it's only 1/3 the Valkyire?
  24. Ok Keith, I don't care about how much you fap but I believe moderation must exist so excess can truly be enjoyed. Otherwise everything just turns into deviantart :v
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