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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Mylene is better sorry she's in charge and drives the car Koumilia just gets a cold from the ice planet
  2. a VF-1J style design with the yellow stripes doesn't feel right I think that dude's name is Lot. His voice actor is the same as Captain Bright from Gundam Koumilia is so badass right vrrrr pew pew "Glage" is closer to how you're supposed to pronounce it this looks like the Valkyrie is taking a leak in mid air The first level is a simulator and the simulator is the robot's head because it looks cooler that way
  3. Gotta love the TV series SDF-1 in 2036 :3
  4. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/let039s_dance mine just dance all day
  5. Naw the head just does what most robot heads do. Makes it look not headless. I don't know if it needs to brought closer in line with Kawamori Valkyires, but the scissor tail is such a weird addition to fix a problem that might not have needed addressing. It's clearly meant to be a Super Valkyrie with built in parts so the need to cover the arms isn't a priority.
  6. http://www.shapeways.com/materials/white_strong_flexible the black might be a fair substitute or it may be too dark :<
  7. I never noticed this before but that weird "scissor tail" on the back of the fighter is just there to cover the arms from above.
  8. The VF-0 is supposed to come out this month We haven't seen previews yet though so it will probably be like the 30th I check HLJ, the VF-171 is still not ready.
  9. The problem is Shapeways took down the gray option.
  10. My Ozma packs are on the way from Tokyo Hunter. Expect a review sooner than later.
  11. yeah it's just as tight on this stock VF-1D crisis averted
  12. guys I got a message on Shapeways about the dreaded gunpod dragging so I tested it out on a fixed figure The clearance is small but there's no dragging. Anyone else having issues? I recall it was a small margin of error even on an unmodded figure.
  13. I hope they make the Fz-109. That's an enemy mecha.
  14. Well the Steel Falcon guy had it somehow :v It's kind of terrible looking, honestly.
  15. http://www.otakubell.com/LDs/index.php?/category/261 there's some rare stuff in these LD jackets like the VF-19Kai with VF-1 packs
  16. the fact that the mounting cradle doesn't match the figure is kinda suspect I'd think the final toy would have something that cupped the delicate underside a bit better
  17. Shoulda called it Gundam Cougar
  18. man there's this jerk who keeps drawing the Orguss at each event but I have no idea who :3
  19. No because the design was never finished nor was it implemented in a high profile official work like in animation or a game.
  20. I found some cosplay pics on Cosplay's Cure [
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