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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. yeah because Votoms sure isn't back...
  2. I don't think they confirmed they're never going to make the FB2012 one. Just not in the immediate future. We never knew they would eventually start making M7 toys. And by Macrossworld logic that means a million to one is still a chance. Or was that from Chicken Run?
  3. At least a gray VF-4 won't potentially yellow in the long term :3
  4. do you want to see that guy's website? he's done fanart for dozens of old robot shows http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~a-rasan/illust/rakugaki_.html even has Galvion
  5. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/vf171ex_nightmare_plus_alto_saotome_custom maybe this would be less dense if I didn't insist on taking pictures next to a bunch of other toys
  6. and now you know why they just made the canopy the main screen for the VF-0 :3
  7. My full review should be up very soon.
  8. that's like making out with a zombie
  9. It has taken them almost all of the time I have been love live alive on this shining planet called Earth for them to use the less than ten minutes of new footage seen in LLA. just go away already
  10. In the Macross Design Works, Kawamori does mention that he keeps designing Valkyries without any anti gravity systems in order to "give meaning to winged flight." So the overall look and feel of keeping Valkyries realistically designed is very important.
  11. no no check out my video because i screw up during it
  12. http://macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-17s-superpack/vf-17s-superpack-fighter-lineart.gif it's a hinge sheesh
  13. http://macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25f/vf-25-cockpit1.gif yes it rotates forward the VF-25 master file has a whole diagram showing how it works if you want to see that
  14. i'll give you fifty bucks for it if you don't like it
  15. "We detected that your video may be shaky and have bad lighting. Would you like us to fix that?" oh piss off, youtube
  16. Don't say mean things about my raifu.
  17. you don't need human features to show emotion (like any of the TF's get enough face time do that anyways between all the Shia) R2-D2 did that without only beeping
  18. so then why are most of them patterned to look like human beings complete with lips, noses, and eyebrows :v
  19. they've brought down whole governments with a single 1/5 rating
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