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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. looking at the fighter mode pics, it appears that this VF-4G will come with a pilot figure of YOU!
  2. The top of the head flows into the shoulders. Only some of the toys have it go right into the top of the shoulders. Plus the VF-2SS has troughs between its limbs. that is whack
  3. gotta have a clean ventral area if you know what i mean
  4. intakes all over the place
  5. my problem is someone just photoshopped RVF-171 parts onto a Legioss
  6. i don't want to imagine was DYRL would have been like in smell-o-vision
  7. Robotech fans taking thievery to a new level :<
  8. I think you're overestimating the amount of fervor generated over this in comparison to say the equivalent Gundam sidestory in many of the same publications. A couple of collected books and such is pretty par for the course. And what are you talking about with Macross Plus? It does advance the timeline since the last thing chronologically speaking was Flashback 2012 :3
  9. I think you guys are missing the most important pattern on whether Macross the Ride would get turned into an OVA. The number of times a model magazine spinoff story has been turned into an animated production can be counted on negative one hands :x
  10. The time for the VF-5000 has come through process of elimination!
  11. The 1/100 Bandai kit went back up at HLJ if you need something to tide yourself over.
  12. like does it have the color schemes such as VF-X VF-4 or VF-X2 VF-19 or VF-17 etc.
  13. does the Chronicle have any artwork of the Valkyries from the two VF-X games besides the promotional posters
  14. this is a tragedy! they removed the Wacky Races episode from SD Gundam :<
  15. maybe he regrets in hindsight not making DYRL a complete alternative to the TV series so he could truly cast aside Ishiguro's influence and claim the franchise as his own right? you have to understand the greater DYRL conspiracy
  16. Yuuri Yui is the best obscure Macross girl
  17. I'm using keepvid.com to get it just in case it gets taken down :<
  18. then the only solution is occupy Yamato
  19. Should I bring up that most of the GK's appear to not have the fins or wings aligned correctly either
  20. Plus is next on the chopping block.
  21. English. Places like anime news network and the 4chan
  22. This whole ordeal seems to have ignited some more Ishiguro vs. Kawamori arguments around the web unfortunately.
  23. Your dream from years ago might finally come true.
  24. it was a part of SRW that counts for something right
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