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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. What are you talking about? Shin was doing a pretty good job of testing the durability of a VF-0 by constantly doing crazy things in one.
  2. The article says the story is they found a survivor on Mayan and restored it.
  3. http://masterfileblog.jp/news/2012/09/04/1075.html One more update before release
  4. They're probably going to do the TV style Super Parts for the VF-1J
  5. or they could just eject the backpack or tilt the dome back before an emergency egress
  6. it doesn't suck
  8. VF5SS

    YF-21 WIP

    I think that just comes with with the territory of doing work for an officially authorized published book series. They may have to use official material provided or may want to do so because of time constraints and/or just personal preference.
  9. Ah ha! I thought you were responding to our show :3
  10. yes but plz don't tell anyone about the secret pics of Mars dinosaur fossils or that Monolith they told me to blow up
  11. http://twitpic.com/apb0ol just a little preview of the review
  12. Never forget the Apple Genki.
  13. My review should be up next week.
  14. yeah it's just like Sharon
  15. what's the gameplay like? will you be doing a Let's Play? I know people who are into that
  16. I believe the idea was that the VF-1 is a small highly maneuverable fighter unlike the airplane its based on. Maybe they thought that even on a mile long ship space would still be at a premium.
  17. And we will be proud kanzen henkei brrrrrrrrothers!
  18. VF5SS

    YF-21 WIP

    I thought those books were done by the super fans. They do sometimes have some obscure trivia like things from old doujins and art books.
  19. Do ho hooooooo~
  20. We need a chunky older Valkyrie done in a sleezy scheme like this http://www.airliners.net/photo/Czech-Republic--/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-23MF/1290686/&sid=bda48b8d2ab2d99916413da0497e2927 http://www.airliners.net/photo/Czech-Republic--/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-23MF/1208885/&sid=bda48b8d2ab2d99916413da0497e2927
  21. do these help? It's from the book those markings are based on.
  22. VF5SS

    DX VF-25G

    he's mad because it's gonna be a lot of white over dark blue
  23. Don't take your eyes off the monitor.
  24. Thanks to Macross Share for putting up the Mylene Graduation CD. It comes with a short interview with Mylene's voice actress Tomo Sakurai. No subtitles as of yet but if you wanted to see what she was like circa 1996 here's your chance. It was split into seven parts so I strung it together for convenience. I didn't know where to stick the message Mylene gives to Sakurai san so I just stuck it at the beginning.
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