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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. バンダイ is a funny way to spell Yamato
  2. It's the part that kept breaking on the first Garland
  3. 'Scuse me for bumping an old thread but I have something to show you guys I'm working on some more replacement parts for the Veef Shop
  4. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/veef_files_origins_vf25 like dis?
  5. how can they do research on a toy they haven't produced in like six years?
  6. A lot of people don't realize this but the AZ-130 was designed by Kazutaka Miyatake and not Kawamori. The line art for it appears in his Design Works book.
  8. Man they are never going to include the VF-2SS are they. Also is Shin's VF-0A really the main good guy of Macross Zero? I would have picked his blue VF-0D or Roy's VF-0S
  9. but it's used by whoere pilots brainwashed by space vampires
  10. well with digital media players and Blu ray you don't need a book half filled with screenshots these days
  11. And there's a section about the VF-3000 too! How exciting!
  12. HELL YEAH! And he even screams the names of the two replacements when they die a few episodes later!
  13. http://masterfileblo...09/06/1149.html final details! In Soviet Russia, arms have jet!
  14. can't you just buy some clear labels for your printer
  15. Cooooouldn't hurt XD
  16. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/armor_parts_vf25s_ozma_lee_use_renewal_version stuff on my robot dot com
  17. I think that's just how they're denoting the F type is the grunt unit in Emerald Force
  18. Hyper Dual Armor Thexder no wait that's not right
  19. I'm working on something Transformers related right now but I may consider it. Although I dunno I think card stock's got me beat on the price :3
  20. I don't forget I am the most humble
  21. you could just seek out an older one and buy my shapeways hinges :3 *nudge nudge*
  22. I dunno what do you think about trusting you?
  23. and here's the second part
  24. Here's the first video. The second should be up soon.
  25. I think the idea is most of the photos are from before the catastrophe with everything else being done with the silent survivor who fought his way through the apocalypse and was somehow associated with Akira Kamiya.
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