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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/1985/transformers_activity_center You guys might like this. It's my review of the Transformers Activity Center. It's a huge cardboard fortress made for G1 Transformers.
  2. Well Macross as a whole doesn't have nearly the same number of side stories and tech oriented publications to draw from like Gundam. The material is getting stretched thin at least text wise. Plenty of room for pretty pictures of airplanes in flight though!
  3. Hey I remember the CG Fire Valkyrie from the Dynamite 7 opening! They're always cheating us out of the best Valkyrie.
  4. http://youtu.be/IOByWuhXctU Refueling has never been this exciting
  5. Macross Zero goes with anything
  6. You gotta KNOW Kaduns...and bird people... Just like in Highlander 2.
  7. I would never have guessed based on how Sara uses that word :3
  8. It's a Flashback 2012 for the year 2012
  9. So who is the lucky man who got Kadun'd?
  10. hey that's your 1000th post
  11. I dunno if should go here or the third party thread, but here is the Transformers Shapeways project I alluded to in other places. http://www.shapeways.com/model/712421/mp-jet-dude-heel-extension.html It's a pair of heel struts for the old MP-03 based Seekers. As you can see, it helps the figure stand up even with all the back swept as far back as possible. I kept the tolerances around the main peg a little loose so people can paint these without too much scraping. Just plug 'em in and you're good.
  12. I got my shapeways order in and other than needed a little adjustment around the pivot point, I think it works really well! I should be able to get this up for sale this week.
  13. I'm thinking more like 15 minutes of new stuff at most. Satelight is still dealing with doing stuff for Muv Luv Total Eclipse at the moment and they're not that big a studio.
  14. http://twitpic.com/axpn5c i took a few shots in honor of the FB7 trailer
  15. Well the back of each book has credits for all the artists who worked on them. That's why these feel more like official doujin books. I think this is more of a case where the CG artists and model makers are submitted renders and photographs which are either finished or are composited later.
  16. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30338817 I thought this was neat. It's all the Jenius girls (even Moaramia) all grown up!
  18. What if Mylene is piloting a YF-24 in her custom colors?
  19. They probably didn't have a VF-11MAXL model ready and just tried to fake it :>
  20. but that's what each Master File book does?
  21. If 2000 means Macross M3 we might get to see Moaramia!
  22. Most of the CG in those books are done by independent artists so there's no centralized set of models.
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