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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. They're all pretty shiny in the game's opening.
  2. big west said no
  3. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30860&view=findpost&p=999259 poor chap is tired from a long day thanks for the pic, antibiotictab!
  4. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30710292 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30712037 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30686850 Even the Musicalture is getting fanart!
  5. http://twitpic.com/b3jbxj ninja skillz
  6. They've made some huge strides with prebuilt mechanisms molded on parts trees like with Perfect Grade but shrunken down for the Real Grades so most of the intricate stuff may be ready to go off the sprue.
  7. Bandai's non Gundam model kit lines tend to peter out and die so who knows. Real Robot Revolution got three kits and one retool.
  8. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/special/leg11.jpg this is your chance to make the dream reality, Bandai deliver onto us leg delivery panels
  9. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/pp05m_medical_specialist Chachipower did some real beauty shots on the Medical not Ratchet Specialist his videos are also always metal \m/
  10. here's something from the All Japan Hobby and Model Show 2012 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie model (transforming) by Bandai I better see leg delivery panels or you can hang up the gloves, Bandai http://mecha-guy.blogspot.com/2012/10/bandai-172-macross-vf-1-valkyrie-promo.html http://mecha-guy.blogspot.com/2012/10/hasegawa-172-macross-f-vf-25-messiah.html 1/72nd VF-25 fighter
  11. That Lamborghini license doesn't come cheap!
  12. Guys Shapeways has added blue and pink to their holiday colors and from now on all color dyed parts will be polished first. I'm not sure how this will affect quality.
  13. i'd be more excited if the trailer wasn't full of tribal chest thumping about PC gaming and the website wasn't a kickstarter begging for money thing :<
  14. Maybe keeping one real arm is a callback to the original movie where they joke about being able to save one of his arms while rebuilding Murphy into Robocop. They should do some freaky cyberpunk thing like that one episode of AD Police where a cyborg only has his original tongue and he needs to bite it to feel alive.
  15. Well it's TFC toys who retconned their own Devastator with new forearms and fifty different heads so just wait and they'll make the cartoon gun as $50 add on. Sometimes you gotta wait for your 3rd party dream factory to make your dreams.
  16. hopefully either this week or next week I will order up the latest revision. I shifted some things and deleted a lot of excess areas that aren't needed in a replacement made from Polyamide. I feel like I'm learning things as I go along.
  17. Well if all bets are off with Third Party, maybe someone could make a better Silverbolt that's compatible with the other four and make all the monies.
  18. http://masterfileblog.jp/news/2012/10/04/1552.html master file blog has a few more pictures
  19. wait is parts-former really derogatory when the part that other Silverbolts just folded onto his back becomes a weapon? I think it's pretty handy. Not saying is disagree with this being terrible looking but I'm starting to wonder if Silverbolt's typical look of airplane with a block of robot underneath is becoming part of the kitsch. Shoulda just made up an airplane at this point. It should be a long tube that comes out of some nondescript block on his arm like in the cartoon.
  20. I did some more scans Alaska based VF-11 Bravers just keeps goin' up
  21. Hey keep your eyes up here and on the monitor.
  22. here's some pics so we can obsessively debate it!
  23. I didn't notice they changed the shape of the two VF-0 canopies until you guys pointed it out. Perhaps it's their way of making sure there is enough space for the second seat to rotate for Battroid mode.
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