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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Well somebody has to have faith in the product.
  2. did Sheryl have nice things to say about her obachan?
  3. if only Bandai would stop trying to make model building fun and accessible
  4. http://www.macrosswo...art/mcr113l.jpg Guys I think some of the artwork came from Macrossworld's own gallery page. I know that's a screencap but the clarity matches the old Animeigo samples
  5. Big West is a smaller company.
  6. http://twitpic.com/b79ujx til all are one
  7. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/black_lion Adam put up the text review and the whole Voltron video review. He talks for about 36 minutes in the second video.
  8. http://mactama.com/mt/toy/macross/takatokutoys/takatokutoys_top.htm this site is pretty complete for Takatoku
  9. The white is the same between both versions. It's just that the surface of the parts is smoothed over on the polished ones. They're wood tacks. The box says they're 3/8's of an inch long. Again though any similarly sized metal pin will do as the WSF won't break unless you cut it yourself.
  10. I noticed she added a meowing cat that wasn't there before.
  11. Because Takatoku never released any gift sets with two 1/55th scale Valkyries. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/takatoku.htm
  12. guys that was a joke
  13. I did them with just inserting a tack on each end and snipping the heads. I thought it was easier to insert something with a point if the holes in the hinge are a little rough.
  14. You can use any kind of metal pin that you can force in there. I prefer to tack the planet with Atlas brand tacks I did five of my own VF-1s like this and one for a friend. It all works great!
  15. Chachipower got a pretty good Voltron haul from NYCC if you guys wanna check it out. http://collectiondx.com/article/nycc_2012_voltron_haul Dude loves the Voltron.
  16. I think Chie Kajiura has the best take on what is real
  17. is this about the blu ray boxset
  18. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=30943505 where Alto was during FB7
  19. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    My team of ninjas informed me quickly... So is this going to be the VF-30 :3
  20. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    What's that mysterious Valkyrie in the logo?
  21. Is the CM's gun roughly the same size because I can use that.
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