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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. They need some adjustment but at least it looks like parts of a hand!
  2. from episode 9 His name is Mikhail but he likes his friends to call him Michel. That's why during the episode Alto was calling him Mikhail up until the end when he fully trusted him and called him Michel. It's character development :3
  3. VF5SS

    VF-4G cockpit

    Here's some screencaps from the Macross M3 opening The panel shot is great because they literally just photoshopped the existing line art.
  4. the face is meant to be a bunch of cameras this VF-5000 variant has them too
  5. VF5SS

    VF-4G cockpit

    It's still the same. Macross Digital Mission VF-X and the opening to Macross M3 still show it with a DYRL cockpit.
  6. VF5SS

    VF-4G cockpit

    http://macross2.net/m3/flashback2012/vf-4/vf-4-la2.jpg Most official depictions show it is the same cockpit as the DYRL VF-1.
  7. only the dead will know peace from such fear and trepidation
  8. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/translations/_translations_advancedvalkyrie.htm Advanced Valkyrie was a non Macross project about test pilots. It was like a prototype for Macross Plus.
  9. you guys want me to submit those tips i modeled to shapeways
  10. https://twitter.com/GogDog/status/264903638957301760/photo/1 robots in disguise~
  11. http://www.otakubell...21/category/268 Yeah you can check on this LD insert scan. Just click the little floppy disk to download it. A lot of these names are really goofy. The identical twin operators from one episode are named Fine Brockenglitts and Shine Brockenglitts.
  12. Well without all that you've just got is a love triangle so it might as well be Aquarion.
  13. Well that's ok since Shapeways is based in New York and said there will be delays.
  14. Nope! We're pretty screwed in that regard.
  15. I am going to attempt to get this printed. It's not the final model by any stretch but I need something physical to refine. Wish me luck.
  16. mushroom mushroom
  17. We have the beginnings of a thumb! I added the wrist swivel as well. Given the success of the Garland part, I think a simple plug in swivel should work here.
  18. Well now that the VF-4 is upon us, we're running out of robots to pine for.
  19. Yamato will make one as soon as Kawamori sells Macross to Disney.
  20. I would buy the hell out of a VF-9 and then stroke its smooth ventral trench all day.
  21. I want to ask you guys interested in replacement hands for the Toynami Legioss. Given the tolerances and the size of the pieces, do you want me to have it so that you re-use the pins from the original hands or attempt to make fingers that snap in without needing pins? I think it may only work with pins in there. I'm sure you could just let the existing hands turn to dust so you could pick out the pins :3
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