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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://masterfileblog.jp/review/2012/11/29/2552.html so much joy in Kawamori's eyes
  2. Shapeways is doing free shipping on Cyber Monday.
  3. maybe I should just remove the 5mm hinge. it's not necessary anymore
  4. I think the problem is they do bring their A game on non Gundam model kits like the Real Robot Revolution line it's just that anything that isn't Gundam fails to sell consistently so the lines die off real quick.
  5. I ordered up the latest revision. I know this is taking some time but this piece needs a lot of precision to work right so I have to test it each time.
  6. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/transformers_masterpiece_lambor_sideswipe Masterpiece Lambor review complete!
  7. I am so happy that the pretty pony thread is full of manly men who claim they known everything about modern society based on their own uneducated observations. Like the idea that policing bullying has done anything to effectively deal with it. Seems like all it has done is made people more aware of how much is going on (http://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/ind_11.asp) and shown a rapid increase from ten years prior (http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2003/schoolcrime/6.asp?nav=1) without actually stopping it. Even if it is policed more in schools, we have all of this wonderful social media that allows children to be cruel to each other through even more avenues. Just think back when we were kids if you wanted to hand out posters of some kid you hated eating dog feces you had to lay all the elements out and then photocopy it on the public library's copier. But whatever it has to be because every child these days is a pussy. And a bunch of them are now dead pussies. Darwin's law baby.
  8. No it's nothing like that. Yamato doesn't own Macross the way Takara Tomy owns Transformers so they have to comply with what Big West gives them. Yeah it sucks but the VF-4 has a unique situation of having almost a decade between when it was designed and when it was finally completed.
  9. Doing the theme song is important
  10. I don't have a pony in this race, but let me get this straight. So you violated your friend's privacy for no justifiable reason, prompted all of his friends to start shaming him on Facebook, and then came to brag about it on this public forum. A forum which is ostensibly devoted to the musical adventures of cartoon teenagers and all of the associated merchandise which includes but is not limited to: artbooks of said cartoon teenagers which could get you arrested in certain states of the Union if people knew the ages of said characters and plastic girlfriend figures imported from the fetish mecca of the far east, many of which have removable articles of clothing. Not to mention how this place has several prominent threads devoted to said merchandise. And you came here seeking approval. Should I pull on the brakes here or just let the irony train slam into you?
  11. They're a pair of might pew pews :3
  12. It was more a case of the game only having Gatling guns as a main weapon so the VF-4's forearm beam guns simply operated like akimbo VF-1 guns.
  13. Right on, dude!
  14. It has a gun pod on the Digital Mission VF-X poster that has all the Valkyries but not in the game itself.
  15. VF5SS

    Macross 30

  16. http://twitpic.com/bdhuzw TIME FOR JET JUDO!
  17. shhhh
  18. I couldn't help but think during your clips of the Megaroad ceremony that Sho Hayami's Captain Max voice is quite similar to his Gavlet Gablae voice (L-Gaim) and Gardi (Machine Robo) voice :3
  19. Shapeways removed their gray dye a while back sadly. You can get black, red, purple, blue, and hot pink. Or you can paint them or use a sharpie to color them in. The material is very porous.
  20. Ok ignoring that I screwed up putting this thing together, I'm surprised this came out as well as it did. As I said, this is still a preliminary design and without the final details and with a placeholder thumb. I was able to use some sewing pins off a pincushion and it works quite well! The fingers open and close and the wrist rotates.
  21. Almost there! Tiny adjustments and we should be in business!
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