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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I kept it as one piece although I think I may have forgotten the front mounting peg. Oh well that's why we have revisions. Given the size of the missile pods I don't think you could leave the panels on in Gerwalk mode.
  2. The prototype for my missile mounts just went to the printers at Shapeways. They're speeding up a lot lately.
  3. I think it's easier to use something else for the pins. I use Atlas brand wood tacks.
  4. I ordered up the VF-4 missile mount for testing. I will let you guys know how it goes.
  5. Well no one likes shelves full of toys nobody ever buys.
  6. You mean you like how the Macross mixed different kinds of robots and then the other two shows copied them right?
  7. It's heartbreaking to hear Renato's voice in such dire straights ;w;
  8. There's only room for one mounting point but that's all you guys want right? Just enough for one micromissile launcher per side.
  9. VF5SS

    VF-9 Cutlass

    In the video it looks like a VF-11 gun.
  10. VF5SS

    VF-9 Cutlass

    I can get you a screen cap from the game if you want. Well it sure is a tube. ps the VF-14's dodge roll animation is hilarious.
  11. You know you want big granny.
  12. Starting somewhere.
  13. Once again I would strongly advise in not sticking things where they do not belong as those pegs are different sizes.
  14. I could make multiple types of mounts for different gun pods like the VF-1's or the VF-19's. I'll have to see what fits in the VF-4's hand. I'll see what I can do about missile mounts.
  15. Would you guys be interested if I made a gun pod mount for the underside using Shapeways?
  16. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/vf4g_lightning_iii Happy new year guys. This is probably ridden with typos but it's late and can be fixed in the future because the future is now.
  17. I'll let you know next year.
  18. http://collectiondx.com/gallery/v/Toys/Yamato/vf4g/ The review will be coming soon but for now here are the pics.
  19. Do not desecrate the image of Yui Takamura: princess of Jelly.
  20. Gentlemen please! Let us not compare the sizes of their nosecones here. We have more important issues to consider! When's it gonna be sold out?
  21. VF5SS

    VF-9 Cutlass

    Just check out this scratch built model http://www.fg-site.net/archives/post_old/55774
  22. Busou Shinkis fit inside a Yamato Queadluun Rau.
  23. No that's where the edge of the fin goes in Battroid mode.
  24. Sticking things where they don't belong is no way to go through life son.
  25. Gush gush gush.
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