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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://www.shapeways.com/model/908087/mz-23-garrand-set.html Ugh Shapeways was giving me crap about the original version of these I had up even though they totally sent me a pair :< I revised it to it should print ok but you will have to sand off the excess plastic around the screw hole. Sorry if anyone here tried to buy them and go an error.
  2. Let me know if you guys need the ventral fin and I will put it up. I haven't tested it yet though.
  3. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    Heaven forbid you actually read the thread before jumping in :v
  4. gaijin IP addresses not allowed to see those videos :<
  5. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    Yeah but if I want that I just play Spec Ops the Line and cry a little afterwards ;w;
  6. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    Cuz robots are big toys for big kids.
  7. VF5SS

    Macross 30

    Deep like fifty different ways to shoot people in the legs amirite lol
  8. It is my hidden technique.
  9. Roy's Blues asked me if I could try to make the fin in shapeways. I'll see if it can be printed. I'm not sure if I can get all the details on something this small though.
  10. Right after the VF-X2 OVA.
  11. A part in my Lightning hard points got rejected by Shapeways. I'll have to try again soon. I wish they'd let me know before doing other things in the order because 6.50 shipping is getting grating.
  12. I ordered up the next batch of revised VF-4 hardpoints. Hopefully they will be here soon.
  13. It's just a Kawamori motif. He does it a lot in Armored Core too.
  14. http://twitpic.com/bwmcjl Had to pull out the full armor VF-25S for some fun.
  15. Bandai got a good deal on all the leftover plastic from Yamato's first VF-11 toy.
  16. Basically 00 is sometimes called "double naughts" which sounds like nuts.
  17. No only the arm thing is supposed to have missiles. For once the magic bra is just there for support and defense.
  18. But there's so much Spec Ops the Line to play!
  19. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2012/vf171ex_nightmare_plus_ex_armored_parts had to ride the lightning before getting this up :3
  20. Here you go! I always though the chaff and flare dispenser was in the backpack myself.
  21. http://home.comcast.net/~vega1635/pwpimages/Document%20of%20macross%20006%20-%20design%20of%20valkyrie%203.jpg Kawamori is the line art master <3
  22. I'm also going to *attempt* a gun pod mount that clips around the handle.
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