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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. We've been doing live recordings at justin.tv/collectiondx every Thursday night too if you want to pop in the chatroom.
  2. I will skull dude!
  3. Yeah but you're still writing off a part of the website I put a lot of effort into.
  4. I think you're painting too broad a picture of CollectionDX just based on the weekly show.
  5. Oh cool shapeways now has a thing that shows you the status of each part in each order. The 19 upper arm is a go! They said they'll ship in the 17th.
  6. But when push comes to Zentradi, she can KIRA~ like a pro.
  7. I assure you Yoshiki Fukuyama is no hair metal reject! His hair is full concert length all the time!
  8. Hey c'mon on now. It was Junya Ishigaki that designed the Ex-Gear. He's a long time unsung pro.
  9. Well we never see it reload during the anime so it's not really a big deal.
  10. I ordered up the parts so fingers crossed that they print fine.
  11. Hell yeah. Only a few hours and I already got something workable. Go me! I'm putting together another order of test products with the Legioss hands (again...) so I can throw this in there too.
  12. After a couple hours of teeth gnashing I've made great progress!
  13. Oh ok the pin in there just slides out easily. Ok guys as soon as I get the shoulder off I'm gonna start working on a shapeways replacement part. My poor old Anniversary YF-19 (which hasn't fallen apart) is the test subject for all these shenanigans.
  14. I will try to replicate that part but I'm not sure how to disassemble the arm.
  15. ●__ ●
  16. The VF-0S with the Ghost fighter bundle is generally the best as far as build quality. I'd cap your bids around $200 which is close to the MSRP. Since it's older than most Yamato it's not as miraculous in design like the later ones.
  17. To be honest if you watch the show the Valkyrie is more often drawn like the newer Yamato toys than it ever is the old Takatoku.
  18. Yeah we need more Nora!
  19. SETO IS B A C K !
  20. I wish Seto was still here.
  21. It should be Save and Seto's Voyage to the Moon (where they learn a lot) world.
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