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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Well if we want to cast our minds back to the two releases of the YF-21 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00067/Sci 21,800 yen for FAST packs and stand http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00188/Sci 18,800 yen without FAST packs and stand So I guess in their minds, yes that stand is worth at least 3000 yen. The question is, where does the rest go?
  2. If you're curious, a lot of official sources (like Macross Chronicle) call that part of the VF-1 the "canopy cover."
  3. exsqueeze me, Windblade is *clearly* based on the The Face of Nijika http://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Face_of_the_Nijika so it's weird body swapped and gender swapped Percetor
  4. Just get James May to build a giant IMAI Gerwalk out of fiberglass!
  5. Oh I meant to imply Richard doesn't do that kind of service for anybody. You're the extra service service.
  6. You know he doesn't do this service for just anybody.
  7. I don't think it's mere speculation when the contents of the International version of Macross Plus with the different dub is a known fact and was repeatedly brought up by people here with first hand knowledge. I realize it's not the ideal version but I'd put my money on a Japanese company using the audio materials they have on hand and released before rather than using the version they worked hard to replace and is residing with a company they no longer do much business with.
  8. Hey guys I have a question. Are we supposed to use that same double ball thing for both necks cuz it doesn't seem to work the VF-1A head and collar area. I didn't see another one and the instructions don't label the part. http://twitpic.com/d2488u here's a progress pic :3
  9. I just got mine. Hopefully I can get the review up next week.
  10. I don't think you can get sued for making aftermarket parts. Especially when they're not 1:1 copies.
  11. http://www.thewrap.com/movies/column-post/pacific-rim-review-there-be-monsters-here-somewhere-101501 I really like the backup plan for monster invasion.
  12. You may have to order again because they keep being difficult. They seriously need to do something about their system if the only way to check if there are problems after a model is uploaded to their website is to squint at a tiny 3d viewer image.
  13. Shapeways can't really print things reliably at that size unfortunately.
  14. I think he more just goes with the butts than handles them.
  15. I don't think I could handle all those butts in high def.
  16. it'd be more impressive if i didn't have to move the tip up like 1 cm just to make it work right
  17. http://www.fg-site.net/archives/2912613 here's a build up from FG-site
  18. You guys may need to reorder the part because shapeways cannot just upload one of my models without utterly F-UCKIN' it up somehow
  19. A person in Japan asked me if I could attempt this with shapeways and someone here also inquired about it so I'm plugging away.
  20. Yeah sorry it's taken so long. I've have a lot of setbacks :c
  21. Here's the hand with the gun. I can try to make more rounded but here it is with the fixed thumb and just a single pin from a pin cushion holding it together.
  22. Probably gonna be like $12 for a pair of hands. I have to figure out what to do with the other hand though. Do you guys want the same hand or something that can close down into a fist?
  23. http://www.shapeways.com/model/1133711/19f-hinge.html All set for fixin'!
  24. Well this part is basically ready to go. They will need to have all of their edges sanded down because right now it stays in place without the need of the screw. It's a snug fit.
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