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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. "Real robot" is a term that is far too often used in a "no true Scotsman" type argument. I've almost never seen it brought up for anything other than trying to exclude or discredit something. It's a thing people can't agree on what the definition really is but they always have a (very malleable) idea of what it isn't.
  2. "Real robot" is pretty broad (marketing) term. It includes far more shows with seemingly fantastical powers, "mysticism" and glowing space psychics than not. Mashymre Cello (that beautiful man) has taught me that much ; -;7
  3. Yukikaze? You mean the anime where the main character wants to sleep with his airplane and fights JAAAAAAAAAM?
  4. I just requested HLJ to ship mine out.
  5. Well you can certainly expect a video review from me as soon as I get mine (I ordered from HLJ).
  6. And unlike the rest, I have sexy hands (according to one comment on my Rook review).
  7. They did show the lead F-14 pilot in the latest episode, and lo and behold, he's a blonde guy :3
  8. This is kind of an oblique reference, but the Tactical Surface Fighter F-14 Tomcats showed up in Schwarzesmarken, and they're presented as being from the actual Jolly Rogers squadron that inspired Roy's Valkyrie. Plus, they fight the BETA with Phoenix missile spam. Macross was cited as one of the main inspirations for Muv-Luv, so I'd count it.
  9. If it makes you feel better, Hikaru and Max's ages are bumped up to 18 in DYRL.
  10. Oh I dunno. Milia herself was only 15 in SDF Macross, so she had Komilia at age 16 or 17.
  11. VF5SS

    Bandai DX VF-31

    shhhhhhhhh... they don't need to know that besides, Schwarzesmarken is fairly light on the usual muv-luv tropes (and the anime is surprisingly chaste given its source material)
  12. VF5SS

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Muv-luv is right over here, comrade. https://twitter.com/Crunchyroll/status/686311209738448896
  13. This isn't a Transformer per se, but it is in scale with Alternators figures so I figured I'd put it here. Feel free to move it somewhere else. My review of GearTribe Hatsune Miku. Designed by Shoji Kawamori. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2015/geartribe_hatsune_miku_gt_project_2014_ver
  14. https://youtu.be/0Dq6TPPXaz8?t=3m53s So you want the Space Griffon VF-9? (3:53)
  15. Tochiro mentioned in the speaker podcast that Mirage is a third generation Jenius. As for her surname, Sheryl's family kept the Nome name and there was no question about it there. Sheryl's mother was Sally Nome. http://springflowerworld.tumblr.com/post/133725781466
  16. Even the original SDF Macross introduced like nine characters in the first episode. Imagine if you only got to watch that and didn't get the second episode until months later. For the original show the first two episodes are closely associated because of how they aired back to back, so I understand not being able to look back and see how even then it could be confusing to new viewers.
  17. VF5SS

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh ye of little faith. Bomba.
  18. I went and checked episode 4 of Macross II, and the animators remembered to give Sylvie a yellow striped VF-2SS because she was actually borrowing one from her subordinate. Though the SAP tends to block the and legs stripes so it can be hard to tell. Plus these scenes are in an darkly lit spaceship, so the stripe color looks a bit weird.
  19. it needs to be more screen-accurate get me my crayons
  20. The Mecha Manual is wrong. They were piloted by Slyvie's subordinates (like the Misa-looking chick).
  21. That happens in DYRL too when the bridge girls are reading about the SCOOP DA scandal. The magazine they have has some animated photos.
  22. "Constructicons, MERGE FOR THE KILL!"
  23. Here's my (really long) look at Unite Warriors Devastator. Warning: a dead media format approaches.
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