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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I hope you don't mind the fact that the Gundam game is painfully short. =)
  2. Pssh, let em try and make the Garland!
  3. Whoops. I guess I spoke too soon. Thanks, Abombz.
  4. Gah, the Hao Sho Kou Ken looks pretty awful in 3D =(
  5. Voltes V is the hero of the Philippines!
  6. Well they're only in one episode. You have to admit that the Red guy was cool with his Macross-esque helmet.
  7. And the Steel Knights!
  8. Quiet, canon dialogue boy =)
  9. Transfans tend to be a neurotic bunch. Have anyone told you about the "Nightbird is/isn't sentient" debate?
  10. "Oh! Its a miracle!" =)
  11. Put Diaclone toys with Microchange toys and drop them into a blender.
  12. Anyone care to translate
  13. Jetfire is dead! How do I know? I killed him! I dragged his plastic corpse into an abandoned model shop and multilated him with a rusty Xacto knife!
  14. VF5SS

    Newbie Questions!

    Actually that was just part of a nightmare Hikaru was having. The VF-1D cockpit just sorta morphs into his Fanracer.
  15. Hey the Javelin deserves some love!
  16. Well he's a bit rougher and with the deeper voice he comes across like a control freak. Still a big jerk on either side of the pond.
  17. Javelin!
  18. Hey calm down, buddy. No need to break out the laser cannons that don't work.
  19. You get up everyday and eat a dozen 55mm shells and then learn how to crap AAM-1 missiles. And that's just the boot camp.
  20. Its will be a grand battle worthy of song. Seriously, its nice to see the relationship between VFs and droens continue (or start?).
  21. Well there are bootlegs out there with really horrible subtitles. I think the video was ripped straight from the 500 dollar Japanese DVD set. I like the job Software Sculpters is doing with the show. Well, they can skip the cheesey extras like "Giant Robot Sing-a-long" and "Fight Moves!" Just gimmie the art and character sketches. I hope they also get their hands on the mysterious Reina Stol: Legend of Wolfsword OVA.
  22. Technically a giant human would be incredibly weak because our bodies are not designed to support such a massive frame. Everything in the Zentradi gene pool would have to strengthened almost to the point of them not being human.
  23. Triple Jim and Reina-chan
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