That is the point. That entire BBS is devoted to making unique variants of popular mechanical designs, often drawing one machine in the style of another artist. In this case, Mamaru Nagano's style has been used to recreate seveal Macross designs and the mere fact that a fan could dream up and draw something like that is amazing. Nagano himself would be proud =D
They don't want to spend the $500 for the official DVD set. Those HK rips are ok since they came from the Laser Discs. There's not any noticeable pixelation and the sound is clear.
Yeah, I don't get why they're skipping around the shows so much. Are they that worried about turning people away from HGUC with too many OYW kits at once?
Guys, there is a transformable Bismarck toy. For the uninitiad, that is the ST Bismarck, there is also a big DX one that transform almost exactly like it does in the show, hinged cape and everything.
Well, soft vinyl usually has to be trimmed. You can do it by heating it with warm water and then using an X-acto knife. The stuff is easy to cut so be careful.