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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Thank you! I was really looking forward to this one :3
  2. That torrent link is downloading the "Fire Book - Thanks Everyone" set.
  3. no that's Starship Troopers would you like to know more?
  4. needs concentric circle effects parts
  5. http://twitpic.com/dkhj1f luv is blind
  6. let's just say there was a new luv in my life
  7. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2013/vf25a_messiah_valkyrie_general_use_type I'm fashionably late to the scale party with this review
  8. if people want gritty realism they can always read muv-luv (´-`)
  9. Again you're expecting way too much from a third party figure that you're trying to force as as definitive version of a character (who has two or three definitive versions depending on who you talk to). Official Galvatron art is even different than the cartoon.
  10. Galvatron also looked like this just as much (if not longer) than he did in the cartoon. Why bring up Japanese promotional artwork (in where he was colored like that more than once)? Well this is a toy being engineered by a Japanese sculptor whose basis for a this unlicensed figure is just as valid as the periwinkle blue crazy bot. 3rd parties have no rules but their own.
  11. Dude you are absolutely insufferable about this. Just let it go. I can't even browse a TFW thread for info without seeing you complain about colors.
  12. http://oldtypenewtype.tumblr.com/post/72113553490/transformers-2010-spring-times-anime-headline that's closer to how Galvatron was colored in most Japanese promotional artwork
  13. Maybe the whole thing just comes out during an ejection like the panel and all so that everything falls away from the pilot. I know in Macross 7 they just brought back the idea that the entire nose section works like an escape pod.
  14. http://twitpic.com/dr8kir Alto found a new girl who understands his love of gothic lolita fashion
  15. If ya got it, flaunt it.
  16. http://www.cosp.jp/photo_search.aspx?n3=5164 i want them to make a MAXL because then all of these girls would be really happy
  17. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2013/masterpiece_smokescreen I put up my review of Masterpiece Smokescreen!
  18. http://twitpic.com/dqkyww Alto-kun strikes a pose
  19. Just to add a correction, DYRL was only directed by Kawamori by Ishiguro's own admission. Also Ishiguro-san isn't around to be impressed by a toy anymore. Watanabe is probably busy with Space Dandy so I would assume they're talking about Tetsuro Amino, Macross 7's director.
  20. I expect not to base your titular CG model off a 30 year old children's toy. That's a flying Takatoku with tiny wings.
  21. That is a terrible rendition of the VF-1. It looks like a toy.
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