You mean the Golem right? Yeah its kinda imposing, but the whole thing was just for comic relief. They can move as they are in the background of some scenes holding weapons. I like the two little lights on their chests; one red and one blue. They have an interesting motiff to say the least, being giant versions of the GMP Arming Doublet.
Let me break it down.
Korean animated action movies like to use characters from popular animes without the consent of their creators. As far as I know, there are many Space Gandam movies each featuring a missmatch of different robots from different shows. This particular Space Gandam had a VF-1J as the main hero robot used to fight giant spider monsters. Another Space Gandam movie (IV or VI... I'm not quite sure) featured the Transformers design of Inferno as the main hero robot. These movies are generally just giant monster movie fare with familiar robots. They generally don't even try to incorporate any parts of the universe the robot was stolen from.
I see that Keith has finally recieved his copy of Space Gandam V. Its a low-budget Korean animated movie that incorporates the VF-1J as the main hero's robot of choice.
Dude, come on. You're better than that. =D
Oh and Mikomoto only designed Eve for all three Megazones =p. The first main designer was Toshihiro Hirano, the second was Yasuomi Umetstu, and the third was Hroyuki Kirazume.
YES! It is wrong. You can speculate and rationalize anything you want, buddy boy, but you're wish for everything to make sense isn't going to magically re-animate a show or create vast official technical discussions out of thin-air. You can't change what has been done (no matter what you may think about prequels). If you really want things to make sense then create your own universe. You seem intelligent enough to do that.