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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/0083/ff-xii.htm y halo thar Core Fighter ripoff.
  2. Well according to Jeremy and Josh B, the owner of collectiondx.com, the www.destroyallpodcastsdx.com domain name we use for the email and for linking the podcasts has run out and the people we got it from want us to pay through the nose to renew it. DX stands for Deluxe. As in the kind of Japanese robot toy you wanted your parents to buy for you as opposed to the crappy ST or Standard version.
  3. Just to let everyone know our main domain at Destroyallpodcastsdx.com is down at the moment but you can still reach us at www.collectiondx.com Sadly, with the domain down our feedback email doesn't work.
  4. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. Trust me, I wish it was shorter. My voice was sore by the end of the synopsis. Haha
  5. Hey Knight26, you should totally check out the podcast Ginrai and I did on the subject. We share your frustrations with this crappy movie. We're on the front page at collectiondx.com
  6. Did you like the podcast?
  7. This is some nice concept art.
  8. Thank you for your feedback, the Shade. We tend to run around 26-45 minutes on average. I don't think we've ever gotten close to an hour. Most of our background info is from staff interviews contained in the DVD sets. Also Jeremy has talked to Tommy Yune on several occasions and he's a wealth of information on Mospeada, Southern Cross, and some of the design studios like Artland.
  9. Well, when we all can't seem to agree on what constitutes a ripoff, I think we're getting into stupid semantics.
  10. Wow. This has devolved into stupid semantics.
  11. All we're saying is that Mospeada is a Macross ripoff. In the same vein, Fatal Fury is a Street Fighter ripoff and that doesn't make it bad per se. Also we'd like to point out that there's a difference between "inspired by" and a ripoff. Macross is inspired by Yamato and Gundam because the people who worked on it were fans or also worked on those shows, but the overall feeling is different. Look at Ginrai's list of similarities, you can see how Mospeada lifts several plot points from Macross. Also, considering the people involved and the pressures from sponsors and Tatsunoko's handling I don't see how Mospeada can be anything else but an attempt to copy Macross. It's like Baldios and Gundam. Baldios is totally a Gundam ripoff plot wise and even design wise. We still like Baldios, but it's not terribly original.
  12. As far as Mospeada being a Macross ripoff, I think the proof is in the show. We have Tri-form fighters, a knock off Itano circus, Idol singers, the power of love conquering the aliens, etc. Despite the intentions of Shinji Aramaki and his Artland crew, it's pretty clear that Tatsunoko and Takatoku (for the brief time they were involved) wanted Mospeada to be another Macross. Roger even pointed out that there were some pre-production Destroid like designs that make Mospeada seem like even more of a ripoff.
  13. http://destroyallpodcastsdx.com/ Please enjoy.
  14. I wish to contribute a better scan of the VEFR-1 for your website.
  15. Hey now the Auroran is a cool looking Space Cobra (it would've been to early to be a Space Apache). The robot mode is pretty rad and the transformation is unique. Definitely and improvement on the crappy Logan. The Cosmo Amazon needs a proper ride.
  16. Far be it from me to question some of our feedback, but come on dude! You're complaints are we didn't notice two tiny Bioroids and we made snide comments about the Auroran? You sound like the guy who wrote a huge paragraph of hate just because we *jokingly* said, "Harlock is a nazi. " Man, we're laying down some Southern Cross love and you gotta be all hatin'.
  17. So did Misa and she was the 19 year old Oba-san. One of the caveats of anime is that people tend to look and sound older than they are. The Compendium does not agree. "A giant humanoid race created by Protoculture for proxy warfare. The average Zentradi are five times the size of Earth Humans. Before the Zentradi and modern Humans made contact, the average Zentradi had the equivalent intelligence of Human primary school children. Since their exposure to Human society and knowledge, their potential intelligence has been shown to be higher." The Zentradi are a race of children who run around as soldiers. That does not seem mature to me. Millia behavior towards Max is highly juvenile. "You're better than me so I'm gonna kill you for being better than me!" Zentradi are human beings. Gigantic human beings, but still human. Especially if they can breed with humans. Why not? Part of the tragedy of the Zentradi is that they are humans who have been denied the things we take for granted. We're supposed to think there is something wrong with the way they behave.
  18. I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of saying Mylene is jailbait when her mother was a person with the body of a fifteen year old (no way she's mature) and very poor social skills during the Macross series.
  19. So she's jailbait just like Mylene.
  20. That's a damn dirty lie and you know it, Zinjo. Macross is a show where all the lead characters are under 20. I highly doubt she is very far from Max's given age of 16.
  21. Fun fact, Millia was only 15 during Macross.
  22. How can you not like Mylene? She takes after her mother.
  23. Here is a picture of Starscream from the trailer.
  24. Well I liked Yellow (so sexy) and Rei was pretty fun. Fuke was ok for a main female I suppose, although Yellow is more a woman than she'll ever be. Jim and Mint are ok too. Stick is the one that I had a hard time liking. He isn't nearly as amiable as Rei or even as sympathetic as Chirico. He's just so darn bossy and a space racist.
  25. I feel that in comparison to many of its contemporaries, Mospeada falls a bit short of the mark against the likes of Macross, Southern Cross, Zeta Gundam, or Votoms. Even many of the characters are kinda dull.
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