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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Remember seeing a clip of the end of the Dambusters movie and instantly recognizing the deadly negative scratches as the predecessor to the rotorscoped Turbolasers from the Trench Run. Oh silly Lucas. Dambusters is acutally a pretty movie for something that was made in 1954. Although, it's kind of funny that according to this movie British people had such a stiff upper lip you'd think they were chipper Vulcans.
  2. Macross Zero is supposed to take place during that period when Claudia lost track of Roy. Actually Aegis was his Senpai. Despite the gropings, their relationship can be characterized in a student/ teacher way. And the VF-1 predates the VF-0 at best and is at worst a concurrent design. I think it makes sense for Roy to have been transferred to the Asuka II if he had accumulated so much experience as a part of the VF-X development program. For a skirmish involving Variable Fighters, Roy's the ace in the hole for the Asuka II. Also the existence of a limited production airplane is not unheard of in real life. McDonell produced only 62 FH-1 Phantoms, which is the predecessor of the well known FH-2 Banshee (895 planes built). So there's a parallel with the VF-0 and VF-1 with somewhere around 34+ VF-0s and hundreds of VF-1s.
  3. He still has Miho Miho, Sally Ford, Rex and all her space bikers, the original bridge crew, and Chlore and her crew.
  4. If this model is accurate, then Apollo Leader was plane 100.
  5. In the DYRL missions of the Macross PS2 game, Apollo Leader flies a VF-1S with gray highlights. So from the three squadrons mentioned in DYRL (Skull, Angel, and Apollo) there must be at least three VF-1S planes.
  6. Hey don't forget the Zolans!
  7. Hooray another clunky jet mode!
  8. You're welcome. I like how the Monster looks quite friendly when you color in the eye decal.
  9. Here are some more pics from that episode. Some of these guys may look familiar.
  10. Since when do feathers and a little ornate paint = clown? Only one particular VF-1D was dressed as a clown complete with red nose and a fake smile. If anything they're just being festive for the carnival. Some of them weren't done up in festive schemes. I'll post pics of the regular VF-1s later.
  11. Way to not have a sense of humor.
  12. I think you're the last person who should be complaining about space helicopters.
  13. Here's are some from episode 15.
  14. Destroy all Podcasts DX has finally reviewed a Macross show. Please enjoy Ginrai and me talking about Macross 2. Remember love again! PS. Ishtar is hawt :3
  15. I find it hilarious that RT-philes like Wolfe aka Major Jonathan aka JONASHAN SHOUSHAAAA! Man that guys was a dick. I suppose anyone who reminds Stick of just how much of an idiot he is can't be all bad.
  16. That's a Jumbo Grade Gundam. The PG is on the other shelf.
  17. The arrival of a new toy often causes shelf tension. Skywarp: Hey baby, wanna come back to my place and see my "third mode?" Hikaru: She's already taken, poseur! KOS-MOS: ...
  18. I just got my MP Skywarp today and it is absolutely beautiful. The shiny slightly gray finish looks gorgeous. I can't wait to transform it. Although it does seem to be a bit of a lightweight compared to my 1/60ths Yamatos.
  19. The VF-1A and VF-1D has the same length in fighter mode. The reason for this is because the extra length of the nose section is mostly found where a VF-1A has that cutout. So as long as the chest plate and back plate AKA forward fuselage is the switched, the rest of the plane is the same. The VF-1D is taller because the end of the head sits on the end of the nose section that fills up the trapezoid shaped cut out area on a normal Valkyrie.
  20. "Hi, I'm a 1/144th scale transforming VF-1D with a sliding heatshield.
  21. The MSRP for a VT-1 is about 9800 yen (around eighty-something dollars) so you got a good deal. I have both a VE-1 and a VT-1 myself and I think they're nice pieces.
  22. The only difference between a VF-1A style body and a VF-1D style body is the nosecone and chestplate. Even though the chestplate looks like it has a trapezoid shaped cutout like the -1A style, you can still see the end of the nose section poking through to the same area as a VF-1D.
  23. Well the nose and fuselage is clearly the same extended piece as a VF-1D. It just has a cut out towards the top presumably to allow the random to fit. The head is not confirmed to look like a VE-1's head. The model which is based on Studio Nue art is merely conjecture so it's anyone's guess as to what it looks like.
  24. This is the VEFR-1 scanned from the Macross Hobby Manual.
  25. Except it looks exactly like it's always did except now with crablike texture. Which is appropriate for a giant space crab.
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