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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. It's also lazy. I'm sure everyone is capable of typing the two extra letters.
  2. To perfectly honest, I just saw Roger post this over at Toyboxdx.com and after having listened to it I thought he was just make a joke about this guy since he doesn't seem any different than your ordinary half-wit fan with a podcast. I honestly thought this was going to be an embittered looked at the fandom in general and I did see some of that but it all came across as kind of shallow and, "Well I know this because I know this" talk. Especially with his rant about the F-14 and how awesome it is. He knows the F-14 is awesome because, "I know jets and I could go on about them." I also lolled at the way he described Carl Macek like a prophet. And how in order to make Robotech more popular is to go out and butcher more anime like Orguss. Also his idea of making Robotech the new Americana seems somewhat ironic given the elements that make it popular are not even American. Well, a lot of his arguments seem really poor. "Robotech fans can tell you everything about Robotech and that makes them unique!" Which seems really short sighted, especially when he mentions Gundam, Star Trek, Battletech, etc as being different for that reason. All fandoms can be like that. And Robotech fans carrying the torch isn't that unique either. Just ask Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors fans. His thoughts on Battletech were correct though and Harmony Gold did shoot themselves in the foot for not establishing a table top franchise that is more accessible.
  3. Wow, the second episode is just him talking about how the F-14 can kill any other fighter out there. Lawl.
  4. Well the gist of what this guy is preaching is that he wants people to go out and create content like games, game mods, webcomics, animated production. He even suggested dubbing anime like Macross II and Orguss to make it part of Robotech.
  5. Just a quick comment about something mentioned towards the end of the first episode. This guy is talking about how other franchises have better video games and he specifically mentions Gundam Climax UC being a thousand times better than the Robotech games. Now, I've never played the Robotech games but I have played Climx UC and it was utter crap. Are those games really worse than crap?
  6. Please enjoy. Second episode. Man, this guy has a really loud clock in the background.
  7. No. No footage from the TV series was re-used. You can see the VF-1J is clearly not recycled. It even has the proper hands.
  8. There's an Armored VF-1J shown in the initial battle.
  9. Oh she'd kill you for that. And since when is she a grannie?
  10. VF5SS

    Disliked Mecha...

    Well the Stampede was just a game unit. It was meant to be overpowered for some silly turn-based strategy game.
  11. Also is appears This book has color images of the machines in the game. You may notice the yellow colored Glaug which is the standard Glaug that appears in the game. Apparently the red one Kamjin uses is some kind of custom colors.
  12. Her bust didn't. Ba dum chi.
  13. I don't see how a toy can evoke sentience. MP-3 is still a Transformer, if not a very well colored one. If anything, the poses available to a toy can evoke a personality even it isn't a sentient robot design. For example, my Garland is sassy. Actually, having a head and well articulated arms with moving fingers (a pointer finger is the very least you need) goes a long way for giving a toy personality.
  14. These models are a good representation. Apollo Leader. Purple Leader. Basically the color schemes are identical in execution to the standard ones but in different colors. In fact, there are six selectable colors in the game with Purple and Gray being the default player colors for Purple and Apollo squadron respectively. The others are carmine, orange, indigo, and brown. The brown is just the standard brown like on a VF-1A.
  15. Hey Mr. March, any plans for covering the color variations for Purple Squad and Apollo Squad from the PS2 game?
  16. Not mention Shoji Kawamori is well known for being good at designing jets that turn into robots. He did design a little thing called the VF-1 which had inadvertently changed the face of transforming robot design in the 1980's.
  17. 90's robot anime was kinda silly.
  18. I'm glad Shoji Kawamori redid the Masterpiece jets. I expect a toy of such caliber to look like a sleek F-15 and not a plane with junk underneath like almost every other jet Transformer. Looking at you, Classics Jetfire. Also Masterpiece Convoy had a such an awful truck mode it's almost a joke.
  19. Now you guys are acting like morons. This guy says, And I say, "There's always a bunch of people who think shitty movies are great. We call them morons." as an example of how Fit For Natalie's argument is stupid. "A bunch of people like something! That means it's great!" That's a stupid argument.
  20. Maybe you should take your head out of your ass and see just how stupid the, "you know... a lot of people think this way..." argument is.
  21. There's always a bunch of people who think shitty movies are great. We call them morons.
  22. Optimus is Robot Jesus. He sacrifices himself only to rise again. He did this this twice under Furman, once against Unicron and then again against the Swarm. I feel that this odd inclusion of very human beliefs removed any trace of mechanical aspects to Transformers. The early comics had some mention of Transformers being different than humans with respects to life and death and it made the connection between humans and robots a little more meaningful instead of, "we are alike! We even got religion!" Atheists.
  23. Simon Furman is also the guy who thinks Robot God, Robot Devil, and Robot Jesus is a great idea for a comic about toys.
  24. There has to something wrong when a movie gets a 56% at Rotten Tomatoes. The old movie got a 42% so it's an improvement. The thing that gets me is that the movie wanted to be really intense with the "THE GIANT ROBOTS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU" and then pulls the punches in weird ways. Like, one of Captain Chunk Beefsteak's men is impaled through the chest by Scorponok but its not really that horrific because he was just cannon fodder and there was no blood. And then some guy gets "hit" and they do the "you're gonna be ok!" thing but it's lifeless. Then we see Sam get backhanded by a giant robot on to the windshield of a car and he's fine. And then we get masturbation jokes a peeing robot. It's trying to be funny and serious and not really working either way. Never mind when Megatron bargains with Sam for the cube and then flicks a guy like a bug. The HARBINGER OF DEATH is very selective when it comes to killing people I guess.
  25. Except they already told us the whole spiel in the opening narration. wes wants the allspark, oh noes its on earth now. I wonder who's gonna follow it!11!! They could've easily included Cybertron in the begining and not given us a slideshow of Megatron spearing a guy. God the movie felt so padded out. The first macguffin was worthless because deus ex Sector 7 took everyone to the Allspark. The hackers were pointless. Captain Beef Hardcheese's little ripoff of Heartbreak Ridge in the desert was awful. It was like half this movie was just filler to bulk up the paper thin plot. Does the fact that this was a Transformers movie (or a Michael Bay film) excuse it from being poo? It's watchable poo, but still poo.
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