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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Yeah, a while back some dickhead tried to argue Mobile Suits versus Tanks and the anti-robot movement went crazy. Of course, many of those same people try to justify the robots in Star Wars so there's some lulz in that. I like SDN overall, but sometimes people there get too crazy and there's too much of a gentleman's club going on with their senate.
  2. I should try to scan that part of the poster as there's a little blurb about how the VF-2 relates to the VF-1.
  3. Well I got my kit and the only stats for the VF-2SS are on the Ishtar poster/ instructions. I think the length is 14.5 meters, the weight is 19.1 tons, and takeoff weight is 25.6 tons.
  4. My podcast also did a review of Shadow Chronicles here.
  5. I hope you enjoy the parts from my show at least. Jeremy (Ginrai on the forums) and I are bigs Macross fans.
  6. "Responts" to Destroy All Podcasts DX or maybe he called up DAPDX. Either way he spent THREE HOURS dissecting our show about Macross. He even nitpicked the theme song.
  7. I like his respont to my podcast where he just chopped up our show on Macross and randomly paused it to call me or Jeremy a fag. High class stuff.
  8. They don't even look like the same machine.
  9. The VF-0 is generally referred to as "Zero" in the show.
  10. Hey, that's Klan Klein! As far as I can tell from the text, she's a member of Pixie Squadron.
  11. Well, if all else fails you can always measure the 1/100 kit and extrapolate. Of course, there must be stats somewhere (maybe on the box or in the manual) for it to be a 1/100 scale kit.
  12. Hooray for traced lineart as background filler.
  13. Klan's looking a bit like KOS-MOS there in her SMS uniform.
  14. The VF-1 has a really small cockpit to begin with. It's a smaller war plane after all.
  15. Why are you referring to something that you claim duplicates an omni directional barrier explosion as a pinpoint barrier overload?
  16. I think you just confused yourself. You meant to say, he used something akin to the omni directional overload inside the ship. Still, the attack used by the Metal Siren was not the same as a barrier overload where the barrier engulfs and immolates its targets. The Metal Siren just made a sphere of electricity that when it passed over things (missiles, battle pods) they exploded.
  17. I think he's talking about the Metal Siren's omni-directional attack, which doesn't appear to be barrier based. Just a weird electrical field that made missiles and robots explode.
  18. Oh they're just being polite.
  19. How do you know those are wings and not just some sweet spoilers?
  20. The Condor's designation is AS-C03 where as the Legioss is AFC-01. Even the designations point to the Condor being a simple Armo-Soldier where the Legioss is their first variable Armo-Fighter. I really don't see how you can count locking the arms and legs in place as making the Condor a variable fighter.
  21. Except in cases where the dub script takes creative liberties with characters. For example, the character of Mugen from Samurai Champloo threatens to rape a girl in the original dialog, but the line is censored in the dub. Some dubs have a tendency to insert random swearing and restructure conversations in a way that makes the characters seem rude. So it is in fact not the same story. Clearly, wanted to learn the language and culture of the country that anime (or anything) originates from is wrong so you should have it spoon fed to you through someone else's interpretation. Careful, your ignorance is showing.
  22. You shut your whore mouth. The YF-1R is stupid. "hay guyz, let's take a vf-1a from one of the shittiest episodes and because it wasn't drawn right NEW VARIANT OMG STATS STATS" The Funny Chinese is fine. It has some line art, information, and the concept has been repeated in other Valkyries like the VE-1 and VF-11.
  23. Man, can't you just leave a dead robot alone?
  24. They are only available through importing.
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