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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Mikimoto only designed Tokimatsuri Eve for all three parts. Hirano was the main designer for Part 1, Umetsu (doggy style) did the designs for Part 2, and Sonoda did the designs for III. Hirano and Mikimoto have similar styles, but Hirano's characters tend to be bulkier. Especially the males.
  2. Here's a better picture of the Battle 25 from the OP.
  3. No no, I mean this site. Where Pete Walker attempts to wrangle information into a mishmash of official Macross stuff, conjecture, and fanfic into one mess that's more confusing than all of the branches of the Robotech military. Seriously, I saw a thread on the Pallidium board where 1St Border Red devil was using more three letter acronyms than I have ever seen in my life.
  4. You're just a ripoff of the Robotech Reference Guide.
  5. Except it's not. It's more like the Flight Suit that was one of the original working designs for Macross.
  6. Actually that's all just some preproduction designs that were never used.
  7. But I have to watch all of Legend of the Galactic Heroes first.
  8. Episode 15. The one with the Battroid and Destroid carnival.
  9. You have to remember this is Tatsunoko we're talking about. Even if they love the fans, they're not gonna lay out the cash to show their appreciation.
  10. That's because he has two modes like a robot. Or he may be Amaterasu no Mikado in disguise.
  11. Aisha being a spy sounds kinda stupid. That would make her the worst spy ever. I don't think the Mospeada crew had any idea she was an Inbit, just that they had done something to her. Well, maybe Yellow but that's only because he has his feminine intuition. And what's with the knocking of his original voice? That's Captain Bright you guys are bashing.
  12. The problem with Stig vs. Stick is that Stig is just wrong. His name in Katakana is SUTIKKU and not STIGGU. That's like calling someone named Matt, Mark or something. Ley is an acceptable translation of REI, and Fuke is just the Katakana for Houquet. The problem is that the FU sound is also the HU sound. You kinda have to be loose when going through the HA HI FU HE HO line of the alphabet.
  13. [url-http://www.collectiondx.com/node/1675]I did a show on Mospeada[/url] lol I have never seen the Robotech version of Mospeada so I'm kinda at odds with picture Mospeada as being dire for any length of time when the show seemed to consist of a lot silly episodes. Like when they visit the Lost World full of dinosaurs. Or the episode where they steal HBT using balloons and almost get caught in a castle trap (sounds like Lupin). Or the FLASH DANCE episode. And what about Rei's dream episode? For me, the show started grim and then got goofy for awhile and then got grim again only to end on a happy note. Rei is not an American so much as he's a Japanese mountain boy, which is basically a hillbilly. Stick is just a space racist. He hates space crabs and will RAAAAAAGE when he sees them. Houquet is Tsundere (cold to others and then warm), which isn't surprising since she's voiced by Mika Doi just like Misa from Macross.
  14. I thought all the music in Robotech was just bad synth orchestra crap.
  15. That's just because Ginrai is a real musician so he loves to show off. Plus we have to have "You can still fight when you're drunk" from Clash of the Bionoids Roy.
  16. It's not a retcon. It's fanboys not knowing when not to over analyze the 2040 equivalent of a bad Power Point presentation.
  17. He's gonna take his toys and go home. It's all dinosaurs and Ride armors with this guy.
  18. VF5SS


    Easy, the VF-1 is a small airplane and the VF-0 is a big airplane. A VF-0 is 18.69 meters long in fighter mode. The VF-1 is only 14.23 meters long in fighter mode. In real life, the VF-1 is physically smaller. However, if you put a larger scale VF-1 like the 1/48 next to a smaller scale 1/60 VF-0 they will be about the same size. Remember, the scale factor is how many times smaller the model is than the original. A 1/48 scale model is forty eight times smaller, which the 1/60 is sixty times smaller. It's basically the different between a large model of a car and a little Hot Wheels toy.
  19. Most of the Robotech hate comes from me. I mean, Jeremy didn't even want to do Shadow Chronicles lol. Neither of us have seen Gurren Lagann and I personally am not in a rush to see any Gainax show. And I doubt we will ever have any heated guests on the show mostly because of the way Jeremy and I record the show. We locally record each person's audio and then combine them into one file. It would be kinda difficult to make someone look like a fool on the show and then ask them for their audio file. And Jenius, stop being a silly goose.
  20. No, you see that isn't the case with Battletech. The game mechanics are the fiction. There's no separation.
  21. Except in the face of Battletech tanks and VTOLs and their Aerotech fighters they kinda fail. Because the actual universe isn't separate from the board game, that means anything from machine guns (which are either 50 caliber or 20mm cannons depending on what the author of the Tech Manuals was thinking) to just falling down can cause damage to their armor. So it is entirely possible to take out Battlemechs with their equivalent Battle Value worth of light helicopters and to create ramming tanks to pummel their legs. The overall presentation is fairly sound, but the details are just a mess.
  22. Don't tell that to Battletech fans.
  23. Some of the fans really hate the robots or offer up convoluted explanations as to why they are being used in lieu of regular vehicles or hover vehicles that Star Wars is filled with. Like the AT-ST being specifically designed crossing minefields or something like that. A lot them were frothing when the big LAAT artillery cannon from Attack of the Clones had lots of little legs instead of treads or wheels.
  24. It's on the top of the school so I imagine it'll be in the show anytime they do an exterior shot.
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