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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Official transformation. The VF-1 has two swinging panels that move the legs to the nose. You can also find a similar sequence at Mr. March's site.
  2. Well the toy fans are just being dumb I wanted that cool swinging system.
  3. I dunno. The fact that the arms are ARMDS, the fact that the Supervision Army ships can't transform, and the fact that the Macross is quite angular compared to the smooth surfaces of the Supervision army ships. Goddamnit guys, it's the Macross.
  4. At least it hasn't been blown up.
  5. The Macross was rebuilt with ARMD carriers as per the ending of Flashback 2012. Continuity is fine. It is the Macross.
  6. Actually, when Alto ejects his armor it forms a neat little holder for the Fold Booster. I'm pretty sure he was going to go back and re-use it.
  7. It's just a bad idea that won't go away.
  8. The more lies are repeated, the more people believe them. Just keep saying something until people believe it's true.
  9. Yeah right. Some Machiavellian comic book crap isn't what I call deep.
  10. What? How do you figure that? All I see is a dead, stagnant universe. Who cares if they have more robots and like a billion different branches of the military. That's the kind of depth that makes RPG players and fanfic writers happy, not viewers.
  11. The PSP Slim does have the ability to output in to a TV or monitor with progressive scan.
  12. I don't see what's the problem with Valkyries being different sizes. This happens all the time in anime and with real jets.
  13. The problem with the Macross 2 Valkyries is that while they are some of the nicer things to come out of Koichi Ohata's brain (the not so nice things being MD Geist) they're kind of an anomaly with the established tradition set down by the VF-1 and VF-4 of having fighter forms somewhat grounded in reality or at least realistic aesthetics. I hate to say this, but they're almost Star Trek TNG in their looks with the curvey "futuristic" curves without any real functionality. The VF-2JA is particularly puzzling because despite being the atmospheric Valkyrie, it looks like a low polygon VF-1J. And the gunpods look like phaser rifles and not, well, guns.
  14. Nevermind the fact that Kamjin lost his left eye and not the right one. Also his ship kinda blew up. I'd like to hope we're not at Gundam SEED levels of pilot survivability yet.
  15. No one shines more brilliantly than you, Gamlin.
  16. Actually they just use JSDF ranks.
  17. I do love a busty Valkyrie.
  18. I'm sure they said it wouldn't suck too.
  19. Some censoring is not the issue. The issue is pointless rewrites and the terrible idea of connecting three unrelated series. The fact that it took more effort to do that than releasing three shows under the same name makes me wonder why they did it. If the only requirement is to market toys and models, then you have a lot of options. They could have released it as an anthology series. Hell, they could have bought two more shows and made a Force Five style space opera five-days-a-week thing. The big problem is Carl Macek is a hack and he thinks his dubs are great. I'll never forgive him for what he did to the Fist of the North Star movie. I'll give you the smell of death, Mr. Tweed Jacket.
  20. Just remake Independence Day. That was practically a Robotech movie.
  21. There have been 3d models of just about every Valkyrie made over the years from the VFX opening, the VF-X2 opening, and even the M3 opening. I'm not sure if they can be reused but it's worth a idea.
  22. The online shop says the new VF-1 will be released June 30th.
  23. Max is only sixteen. He needs to be played by some hot teenager.
  24. Jeremy <3 Miyatake.
  25. Hey, you fixed the tail fin.
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