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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. To be fair, Hikaru was performing diving kicks on Zentradi towards the end of Macross.
  2. Actually lift fans in a VTOL plane are more commonly associated with Russian designs like the Yak-38 The double dedicated lift fans are a reference to that design.
  3. A VF can walk in Gerwalk mode. You can see a VF-0 walking in the beginning of Macross Zero episode 2. See here. It does kind of bob up and down like a bird.
  4. Nothing should be hard for an airplane that can also transform. Given that the flight computer can deal with such impressive maneuvers, emulating a 1950's X-plane shouldn't be that difficult.
  5. Wouldn't it be possible for the Sv-51 to simply hover vertically in fighter mode in order to land in the submarine? Sort of the same way the X-13 Vertijet maneuvered.
  6. That toy doesn't look as fun as the CM's. It doesn't even have a sword.
  7. Klan looks like she has Zolan ears.
  8. It's more of a marketing thing with the sponsors like IMAI and Takatoku toys.
  9. Do you guys have transcripts or summaries of these radio dramas? Do you want to come on the show and talk about them?
  10. Oh Michel is probably just sterile like any hybrid. Maybe the lack of potential children is the real issue with Zomeo and Zoliett.
  11. Clearly that one crew member put his thinking cap on.
  12. You could always add the F-14 kai from Macross Zero. It's a real thing and Macross related.
  13. Can't you ask them to send you a replacement?
  14. Hey you stole my frontal shot
  15. Yeah I remember that one. With more "Dr. Lang" pointlessness and the chunkiest VF-1 ever drawn. A lot of Robotech comics didn't seem to be doing different things, just trying to shoehorn 90's grimdark sci-fi in an anime setting.
  16. An RPG for a system no one likes and a bunch of American comic book writers dick around with the story doesn't seem terribly innovative to me. A lot of that stuff seemed to suggest that anyone could get the Robotech license. Besides, the comics don't even count. They're for a niche market anyways.
  17. The black haired girl is named Shinobu.
  18. I removed the extra spoiler tags. I don't think people really needed spoiler warnings in the middle of the show.
  19. Yeah, my Dark Legioss's boobies are pretty white. It comes across pretty well even in my crappy pics. The colors are pretty crisp overall.
  20. CollectionDX review of the Dark Legioss.
  21. Are you uncomfortable with yaoi?
  22. I'm pretty sure Isamu was supposed to be a pretty boy. It's just that the character designs in Plus sucked.
  23. A DAPDX fan covered the show before we did, curses.
  24. Dr. Chiba proved that anyone can create spiritia. He even gave the concept a standardized unit.
  25. A virus that turns you into a fold antenna is pretty magical.
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