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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. But I'm 23.
  2. Those little ones were shitty and who cares about Mospeada.
  3. Some pics of the Maneuver-Roid. It's very EX Garland like.
  4. I'd hate to live in a city that's 90% elevated highways.
  5. I'm pretty sure they were thinking of these two guys when they made the G2 toy.
  6. Easily one of my favorite Transformers. It's a real gem of the G2 line. The only thing that sucks about it is how the missile do not lock into the gatling gun so they fall out out really easily.
  7. Oh hey that's my review. I also picked up a red Legioss and Tread set. They look good together.
  8. The Logan always looked really awkward in the show. It has no waist joint and the big upper body doesn't match the tiny limbs. And what's up with the VF-1D colors? The Auroran fairs a little better. You don't seen enough space helicopters. in b4 first border brooklyn reg dave gets made at me.
  9. Well I think that's part of the problem with the Southern Cross mecha and armor. Taking designs from an original premise like "old Japan with robots" and turning it into a regular robot sci-fi show makes them look a little silly. A lot of those designs seemed really intricate for the time. I wonder if the Logan was added in late in development since it looks so simple.
  10. I meant to write "why" and not "where." I can see them.
  11. Why are there GN particles coming out of the back? Are they stealing from Gundam now?
  12. But I already made a post in the Macross section.
  13. Destroy All Podcasts DX reviews Dynamite 7. It's mostly about whales.
  14. There's the VB-3000 variant.
  15. At least this movie has more Filipinos than all three Starship Troopers movies.
  16. Hi, I'm a 1/144th scale resin model with internal canopy shield and the proper nose section.
  17. None of the artwork shows the Tread being that big.
  18. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the pilot is not precisely scaled and is only roughly scaled to the toy its meant to occupy. The size of the generally dependent on the size they leave in the cockpit as the overall dimensions of the toy are more important. For example, the 1/60 pilot figure for the VF-1 toys are not consistent with the 1/60 pilot figure for a PG Gundam kit. However, both robots are in the proper 1/60. The pilot figure is really just an afterthought in most cases.
  19. You should never go by the pilot for scale. The pilot is probably the last thing they have in mind when making the dimensions. It's just there fill the cockpit.
  20. If you lived in Japan you would have access to free replacement parts.
  21. Those pictures look like they were taken from the Josh's review at CollectionDX.
  22. That's why I compared it to a fixed model sheet. The CM's looks like that. The Toynami does not. The bomber cockpit completely misshapen in both modes. The legs are more primitively designed and the feet are a different shape entirely. The chest transformation is as primitive as the Lansay Tread. Honestly, the whole thing looks like an old Imai model than a modern toy.
  23. Now I know you're just being contrary for no reason. The Tread is bulky, not blocky. It's very curvy and smooth. The CM's toy is incredibly close to the animation model. Toynami's design is really bad. They even made the missile look worse. Now they're red dots with little gray rings sitting in the middle of a black nothing.
  24. It looks blocky and awful. CM's is much better.
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