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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. is this good enough mister
  2. What kind of fans would honestly use a franchise's tabletop RPG for mechanical stats anyway? That's like buying guns based on how many hit points they take off in GTA4.
  3. I did two Oshii shows. Dallos was awful and Patlabor 2 was dull. Besides, Oshii is so full of his own tropes he can't go two minutes without a goddamn basset giving him a hummer.
  4. Yeah but not everything can be LoGH.
  5. oh noes the disposable entertainment designed to sell merchandise isn't deep enough
  6. Oh don't even start with that Slyphide bullcrap. That's the worst example of a delusional Robotech fan. The guy thinks it can transform just because the narrator made a mistake.
  7. Except none of them have any visual connection or any hint of progression. Regardless, the vast differences in these three militaries is made even more confusing (compounded by those damn three-letter acronyms Robotechies keep making up) when you start to realize they all do the same damn thing. And that thing is absolutely everything a sci-fi military does in these kind of shows. Seriously all these branches have such entirely non-specific goals that its pretty stupid.
  8. That's where we run into one of biggest problems in fandom. That is the concept of "potential." I first ran into this concept when I was getting back into Transformers. I found that there was a sizable contingent of people who loved the Generation 1 cartoon and thought it was the best part of the franchise because of its "potential" for stories like fanfic, fan comics, and the like. Basically all the little nuggets of characterization and plot somehow made it better than the the Marvel comics or Beast Wars. You have the same thing with Robotech. All the talk of a multi-generational story and epic hard sci-fi (clearly these people have never actually watched Mospeada or Southern Cross). Certainly the tie-in media like Tim Eldred's comics or the novels may lead you to believe this is true, but we all know all of these ideas are poorly executed within the Robotech series itself. My problem with the notion of a series's "potential" is that you start praising a show for what people can make of it and attributing those qualities to it rather than praising a show for what it is. And frankly, praising Robotech for being more somber and adult (seriously did you watch Mospeada?) is unfair since the Macross sequels were all made a different times while the other parts of Robotech are cash ins on the era of robot shows created by Gundam and the original Macross. Oddly enough, the one time I called into the Space Station Liberty podcast, the host was taking time to talk about Macross Frontier. He admitted that Macross feels like a living world while Robotech is very stagnant. People, places, ideas, and things actually persist in Macross. Honestly though, if things were to persist the same way in Robotech then the whole thing would start to break down as the disparate styles become immediately evident. One thing the Robotech comics make especially apparent is how damn silly the whole universe looks when you have people in Macross uniforms (with their hang gliding collars), people in Southern Cross samurai armor, and Mospeada armor all part of the same military. Seriously, does this look like it makes any sense?
  9. Not to mention all the material, equipment, and weaponry that just disappears in the blink of an eye. "Multi-generational epic" sounds good on paper, but its really just a marketing ploy. It is one of those things you have to really be committed to just to get even half right. When you compare Robotech's idea of generational conflict to say Gundam or even Macross, its all completely laughable by its own "just take out word for it" approach. Even Shadow Chronicles couldn't shake that.
  10. My only complaint with the current YF-19 is that it needs some fixed pose hands. All of the new Valkyries should come with those. Articulated hands aren't feasible in mecha toys.
  11. Force Five was shown on various UHF channels across New England. It's still a better idea than Robotech and it gets people to keep watching after the show switches to the next generation. Also Starblazers and Voltron had just as much impact.
  12. Force Five was a much better way to get around syndication by presenting the shows as one package without wholly rewriting them as one show (although they were still edited).
  13. The VF-5000 "Star Mirage" named after the Dassault Mirage 2000 which is a real life multirole fighter used by many countries just like how the VF-5000 is used by colony worlds like Zola.
  14. How were Tom Bateman and Alan Letz qualified? Bateman ran a fan convention and Letz was a PA on an Abbott and Costello documentary? Clearly nobody is qualified to run this show.
  15. I saw this on another board. I think it sums up their system pretty well, "The worst RPG system ever? Can I blanket say 'anything with a class system'? The worst system I've ever used personally would be Palladium - class-based, but ALSO with a hideous skill system, a hopelessly unbalanced yet over-complex combat system and the worst writing quality and editing ever (each edition would correct some errors and INTRODUCE MORE)." Clearly it was utter trash because it didn't include the Slyphide veritech fighter that we all know is there! Or at least that's what hardcore Southern Cross fans think.
  16. And another thing, Palladium is the worst RPG ever. Nobody wants to play some sucky skillfest crap.
  17. The book is a huge influence on real robot sci-fi in Japan. Even Noburo Ishiguro seemed to regard Robert Heinlein with respect in his interview with Anime World Order.
  18. I once talked to him about that YF-1R on that Robotech talkshoe podcast he frequents and he was like, "yeah we got a lot out of that one haha."
  19. Love Live Alive is 90% clipshow a la Flashback 2012 with some new footage of Yellow's concert and there's even an interview with Yellow. Also it shows that he now lives with Soruji in a cabin near a lake. Stick even shows up despite the fact that he getting his ass to Mars last time we saw him. I seem to recall it implied that he and Aisha we're getting back together so maybe they stole that for SC.
  20. Or it could just be a large scale model like most of their Gundam ship kits.
  21. Amdriver's Land Bisar Behemoth is a much better jeep thing. Predates Shadow Chronicles by a few years.
  22. Look at the originality!
  23. But the thing about all tie-in novels is that they just don't matter. Like I said, they're cheap fodder. If this was Star Wars, their contribution would be quickly forgotten with the next round of books.
  24. Tie-in novels are the cheapest thing for any franchise. Easy to make and they always ship a ton of them all over. They never disappear.
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