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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I think we have a winner.
  2. Ok, which one of you is really Tom Bateman.
  3. HG owns Robotech. They get the money from Toynami and Palladium.
  4. Uh no. When you license stuff out, the people with the license do all the work while the owner collects money.
  5. The explosion rules were added in Level 2 play. Normally when a Battlemech is destroyed it just becomes scrap in the boardgame. Exploding 'Mechs are just one way of game developers keeping extra objects off the field after they've been eliminated.
  6. Better to keep all the venting in one thread anyways. It's almost unavoidable.
  7. Who cares what Toynami is doing. Even their partnership with Bandai shows that both companies are out of touch.
  8. Tatsunoko might have the international merchandising rights. However the fact that they cannot collaborate with the Japanese market is a serious impediment. And if Big West has to authorize Southern Cross toys, how willing are they to do so for a Tatsunoko show?
  9. Big West owns merchandising rights to Southern Cross. Note the Big West sticker. So this isn't like Mospeada where they can attempt to collaborate with Japanese toy makers in order to capture a wider market. They would have to go through Big West but they don't care enough to try.
  10. FASA never had the rights either. The only people they cited was Nichimo, who just made the 1/200 scale kits that were repackaged into Battletech models. And that still doesn't account for Sunrise who owns both Dougram and Crusher Joe. I just find it very odd that Japanese companies who are so tight with their intellectual properties (ever look at the copyright page for a Super Robot Wars game?) would allow this reborn FASA to pick up and use these designs like nothing ever happened. Battletech, much like Robotech, is an international franchise that was made using someone else's designs. If Big West and Sunrise were to look into Battletech don't you think they would be upset with this?
  11. Microsoft isn't involved in the production. It's from Piranha Games.
  12. IGN's own page has pictures. Even with some of the details changed, that is pretty clearly a Destroid Tomahawk. What happens if they start putting Crusher Joe and Dougram designs in the game? Wouldn't Sunrise do something?
  13. Man, you don't anything. That's not even the "Re-seen" Warhammer! That's from the friggen original 3025 Technical Readout book. You know the one with a Glaug on the cover? FASA was doing stuff like THIS for years until Playmates and Harmony Gold shut them down. This is the redesigned Warhammer from the Project Phoenix book. The thing in the trailer is clearly not this design, but the original Destroid Tomahawk with a few details changed.
  14. FASA has changed hands so many times I think they've lost track of what they do and don't own. Once Big West or Harmony Gold finds out they will issue C&D letters.
  15. Don't you mean the original 85 episodes? The holy book itself.
  16. No he was pretty much just an apeface. Seifriet is way better than Zor Prime. His character actually makes sense for one thing.
  17. Oh those Robotech Masters fans. Always willing to turn little things into grand space adventures. And this is coming from someone who liked Southern Cross. Seriously, that bald guy was a nobody whose plot went nowhere fast. I can't even remember his contribution to the show.
  18. You do realize that's what made the last two games no fun at all right?
  19. They gave no indication that they got Big West and Sunrise involved. More or less all they said was, "hey we have all those old artwork and we're going to use it again!"
  20. Oh man Big West is going to be pissed. Let's just put in a design we never owned into the game's trailer.
  21. And the more they get, the worse the character becomes. For example that Riddick guy.
  22. Well at least he had cool armor. What does Major Jonathan have other than his Magnum P.I. good looks?
  23. I'm trying to put this into perspective here. All of your love for the supplementary material does not change the fact that even in Robotech the show, Major Jonathan is a pretty one note character. It's like trying to get bent out of shape because someone killed off General Crix Madene in this one Star Wars book. Does anybody really remember Crix Madene from the original movies? No but the guys writing the Star Wars novels loved to use him so much precisely because there was so little to him, but hey he was still in the movie right? Hell Star Wars books are a great example of what happens when you let supplementary material try to fill in the gaps. It just gets ignored when the next big franchise push comes. So yeah, its fanfiction. A wonderful manipulation of the setting and characters or just plain crap, but in the end none of it really matters.
  24. The only thing he deserves is a "respont."
  25. Oh no. Don't let some guy wreck all the fanfiction created around a one note character from Mospeada.
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