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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Justify your fandom, lest ye be erased from history! But seriously, Seto is right. The people who keep hanging on and supporting Robotech are never going to get what they want. Even the ones who came here and are considered the nice ones still have that fetishistic reverence for THE ORIGINAL 85. That's absolutely disgusting. Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?
  2. Man I'd hate to see you guys criticize the bosses of the other Macross shoot em ups.
  3. I think the question is what is Robotech. Since all of the stuff that people like about it either doesn't count or is just inherent to the original shows, what exactly are you enjoying outside of nostalgia?
  4. No its not. It's stupid and childish. Fly through all the nostalgic loops you want, there's just no reason to watch Robotech anymore. All the peripheral material doesn't matter either. Just stop supporting Robotech. If you love it so much, let it die.
  5. I think Ebata creates more interesting outfits even with her fetish for thigh highs and heels. Mikimoto's designs have always been kind of generic and his earliest stuff looked like borderline ripoffs of Gundam and Yamato.
  6. Overseas products are just sold via wholesale anyways. They've already got their money once its listed on whatever website. And its not Yamato's fault they can't service Macross products outside of Japan. You buy them out here fully knowing that.
  7. lol jenius did you check my video for help. I think mine is the only video with the armor.
  8. Ok so who's the idiot for importing a 200 dollar toy in a country where the FREE REPLACEMENT parts warranty isn't valid. It's like buying a new cel phone from Japan and whining you can get coverage in the states.
  9. Ok first off you stole that guitar hero bit from some other thread. Second, since when does armor that makes the plane into a delta wing fighter (like the VF-0) mean anything? Maybe if you squint they look the same, but you're just reaching because you're the butthurt Macross II fan. Tetsuro Amino directed Macross 7 and Victor supplied the music. Using that catchy tune from Macross II isn't really indicative of anything outside of them wanting to use existing music. And Big West controls the Macross franchise so its not like they won't throw out some Macross II stuff when the time arises. You're worse than a Gundam X fan.
  10. I suppose at least Trash gave us this thing.
  11. we need another hate thread. hate on, dudes.
  12. The only Macross I hate is Macross 7 Trash because Mikimoto forgot how to tell a story and just drew pinups for like five out of seven volumes. Also you need to remember all anime is disposable entertainment. It does not have to endure.
  13. Stop making Macross 7 hate threads.
  14. the camera was on the table and there was no room for the toy plus i love gamlin that much
  15. Don't forget the Millia VF-11 from Top Gamlin
  16. Screw you, I need my WHAAAAAAAALES! whales fly in space :3
  17. What the hell did I miss in my VF-22 review? I reviewed the crap out of it.
  18. I didn't do the bloody intake covers either, are you going to whine about that?
  19. The VF-2SS is more like the obligatory comedy option anyway.
  20. I forgot about those tabs because they're useless.
  21. You might have a defective toy where the locking nubs for the wings are too small or worn down.
  22. Uhm, you play the entire ARMD Attack level as that Armored VF-1A. It even does the armor drop off after you beat the boss. You can see the other member of Skull Squad in matching armor fighting in the background with the Destroids in tow.
  23. I have to wonder if the shoulder portion of the engine nacelles are meant to rotate in order to give the VF-4 fully articulated shoulders. The game models usually just kept them fixed in place.
  24. Meh, if Bandai can make a 1/200 scale Asshimar or Zeta Gundam that transforms I don't see the difficulty in doing a small Legioss. Some of the opening panels may have to be replaced with swappable sections but at least that means the new parts can have better detail that real working sections.
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