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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. don't get excited that was just me.
  2. Who says there has to be a middle ground? Robotech is obsolete trash. Plain and simple.
  3. yeah mine barely lasted a week. that backpack is atrocious.
  4. I hope you like a model that can't stand up straight.
  5. Stealing other designs for your RPG is like being one of those kiddies on deviantart who wipes his ass with Sonic the Hedgehog sprites and marks them with a caption, "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL." It seems like only Robotech fans have this bizarre assimilation fetish.
  6. A lot of the Macross 7 VFs had alternate names such Stealth Valkyrie for the VF-17 and Blazer Valkyrie for the VF-19F/S and types. Basara's VF-19Kai is the FIRE Valkyrie. Characters in games and the shows have been using that term to stand for all VFs for a while. Also Battroid is sometimes used. The VF-0 and Sv-51 are the only fighters never referred to as Valkyries in their own show.
  7. I find it kind of ironic someone is bitching about something not matching up visually with regards to Robotech. So how do they explain the whole RUINS OF THE SDF-1 thing when it looks like an entirely different place (and planet) in Southern Cross? Or what about the whole Komillia becoming Jeanne thing?
  8. I don't believe a more faithful dub of Macross, Mospeada, and Southern Cross would have fared worse considering the breadth of changes mostly consists of excessive talking and some throwaway lines. Well I suppose you do have all the crap they did to Southern Cross but that's only indicative of how Robotech failed since the most altered series is the least liked in its altered state. I think the big problem is Carl Macek can't direct an English adaptation to save his life. The guy still thinks funny accents are essential to dubbing. If you want to talk about other bad adaptations just look at Teknoman vs. Tekkaman Blade. Holy crap what a farce.
  9. Misa is Tsundere, not moe.
  10. So what's with the blatant Crusher Joe ripoffs in that pic? Was that their next idea? If you can't use Macross, just copy Crusher Joe.
  11. Robotech fans seem to lack the ability to look at these shows in their original context. If you watch all three shows in their original format, Robotech doesn't seem so special anymore. Also I have watch the related series like Orguss, Dorvack, and a little of Galvion and all three feel pretty similar. Hey Gubaba, if you want to make a better analogy to what Robotech did think about what would have happened if someone tried to combine Zeta Gundam, L-Gaim, and Layzner. They could totally turn Camille into Eiji right?
  12. I speculate his caps lock key is broken.
  13. OVAs used to be tied to the Garage Kit market, but it seems like that has been largely supplanted by smaller GK makers getting Wonderfest licenses and toy companies like Yamato and CM's Corporation making complete figures and toys of what used to fill the GK market. Hasegawa has made the GK Macross market less relevant.
  14. Mecha peaked during the 80's back when every two bit show could get a line of plastic models and toys off of IMAI, Bandai, or whatever company was willing to sponsor them. Everything cooled off after the bubble burst in Japan and went on the down low during the 90's. Nowadays mecha shows have changed to keep up with the times and the times are when a show like Bakemonogatari is the best selling anime on DVD and blu-ray.
  15. Well they do make up almost 50% of the market now.
  16. The later Megaman X games include Capcom's C4 chip that let it do some nifty things like limited vector graphics and stuff.
  17. Max doesn't strike me as cougar hunter so Millia is meant to for all intensive purposes to match his age. Never mind the fact that Mikimoto recycled her design for Athena from Orguss and she's also a teenager. Further still, Millia was only as smart as your average Zentradi which is stated to be that a grade school kid. She futzes around like a idiot on the Macross (who dressed her anyway) and then she becomes Max's waifu. She never loses her edge which is why we like her, but I'm not going to award her character arc any big props for being complex or deep. If I want to see Millia with a personality I'd rather watch Macross 7. As for Itano, I'd be more inclined to side with him if his entire career and directorial style wasn't geared to pleasing action porn enthusiasts. I can see someone voicing their concern that Moe is driving away the "casual" market, but Mr. Blassreiter isn't helping the cause.
  18. lol Zeta Gundam has a large female following precisely because Camille is so moe. He's a cute, whiny teenage boy with a hunky older brother figure. Just look at the way he whines about being a man with a man's name. He even makes paper airplanes like Alto.
  19. Is this your new waifu.
  20. Wouldn't you?
  21. Lol Minmay and all the other girls in Macross probably inspired a lot doujins and fanworks back then. It's not secret the classic 80's OVA market was founded on stuff like Cream Lemon. And don't forget all the cute girls in those Macross doujin books like the MATS VF-1 book. All those artists and creators are just doing what they've been doing since the 80's. Its just now it became more focused and marketed just everything in Japan. tl;dr oh noez my trashy disposable entertainment is catering to people other than me
  22. Interviewer: So we're planning a page for fans who don't know you (Itano) or the original Macross. Itano: Macross Ace (the magazine this is in) is a damned bishoujo character magazine isn't it? I call it "yutori"*, though. Yutori character moe magazine. I think Macross (the original) was popular because of its balance, 1/3 each of cute girls, robots, and songs. But now they say mecha won't sell, robots won't sell, so they turn it into a character-based anime AND they want the fujoshi. I hate the stench of that sort of thing and so actually don't want to be in any magazine articles related to that bullshit, but I said I'd cooperate if they let me badmouth poo and here I am. (*Yutori = To give room or allowance for something. Used in "yutori kyouiku" (yutori education) which refers to the heavily criticized stress-free education system in use in Japan since 2002. Ever since then grades have been dropping and it has been blamed on kids these days being extremely stupid, spoilt, unable to think for themselves, etc. "Yutori" is slang referring to someone who has received yutori kyouiku, but is nowadays just used as a derogatory term. Think English "retard".) Interviewer: I... see... (tears) Itano: I DID watch all of Macross F. It's not fair to badmouth something without seeing it (chuckle). So, like, there's one bit where a sniper in space mounts himself on an asteroid, right? But by doing so half his field of vision is gone. And asteroids aren't stationary so his aim is going to be really unstable. And then they use sniper rifles at point blank range? I notice this sort of stuff, you know. It's well-drawn for a TV show and they were trying, but the relationships were half-assed and the heart of the drama is way too messy. Last time we had Minmei become a human failure, but this time it was the main character (laugh). People who like this rubbish have a totally different sense from me, so I'd really be happier if they didn't know who I was at all (laugh). Then again this guy directed Blassreiter and Angel Cop so what does he know.
  23. Prove to me you're not an idiot then. Because you just admitted to having stupid, blind faith in something in the face of overwhelming evidence.
  24. You're just an idiot.
  25. There's hope and then there's stupid,blind faith.
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