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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I find Real Robot has always been an imprecise term. Honestly, Macross has always had that element of parody and excess to it that prevents it from being a hardcore sci-fi drama. That said, Macross 7 and the franchise in generally does things in a logical manner. Implausible or impractical yes, but rarely illogical. Kind of like Red Dwarf.
  2. I don't Alto was that bad. Like I said he's basically Camille right down to having a robot that turns into an airplane.
  3. Ok let me put it you this way. Go to eBay and type in "Graham Gundam" (as in the character Graham Aker from Gundam 00) and see just how many different Yaoi Doujins are being listed for sale. And it's not limited to the current wave of mecha pilots either. Even characters like Kamille, Amuro, and Gamlin have been recognized as having many of the qualities that appeal the the fujoshi audience. To quote a fujoshi, "I like how Sheryl molests Alto."
  4. Girls who like boys who drive giant robots. welcome to the future
  5. Well the blue hair, masculinity issues, and this tipped me off.
  6. I thought Alto didn't cut his hair because it's linked to memories of his mother and the time she spent combing it. Alto is kind of low-rent Kamille Bidan.
  7. It took us that long to stop speaking endlessly about Macross Plus.
  8. They just wanted the Two motif. Clearly it should have been VF-5SS.
  9. I missed the Milky Road in Frontier. Space cars (and the space vespa) seemed much more fun. Also aren't the speaker pods supposed to be transmitters in addition to speakers? And that fight between the Fire Valkyrie and the Elgerzorene was pretty cool. ELGA-KICK! I wonder if the Sv-51 kick was meant to be an homage to that particular scene.
  10. That's really over thinking the situation in Southern Cross. I imagine the writers for the show hadn't even heard of those three-letter acronyms military sci-fi fans liked to throw around. It's really just a bunch of plucky protagonists going against those in charge. I think the ANN review said it best when it regarded the Southern Cross forces as being your typical sci-fi military with super relaxed standards. I find it pretty unnerving when Robotech fans actually believe the show is a serious hardcore space opera. The thing is Southern Cross isn't really that bad. It's easily as competent as any of its contemporaries. It's kind of like Gundam X in many regards. Like it has some good ideas and competent (if not uninspired) direction, but mainly it was a victim of being the third show in a loosely related trilogy. And its predecessor, Orguss, is not leaps and bounds better. I like it a little more than Mospeada at times. Overall I find that few mecha series are completely irredeemable, it's just that most of them are merely okay. Being okay is fine, just don't expect it to start (or sustain in the case of Robotech) a franchise.
  11. I wouldn't really call Brooklyn a Southern Cross proponent. He sort of just jerks off to that one Army of Southern Cross organization chart found in all the model kits and the DVD insert while trying very hard to project some hard military sci-fi bent onto JEANNE WANTS A NEW DRESS. He's completely delusional when it comes to that show. I like Southern Cross but mang, what did Robotech do to it?
  12. The Macross Cannons are kind of uninspired and it doesn't help that they are just background filler with no important characters associated with them.
  13. Oh big woop the definition changes from to show. Even in Mospeada they just wanted some gas for their bikes. Damn delinquents.
  14. Exactly how much of that is even present in Robotech? Did they stuff the dialog with more references to resources or something? It seems like people are just taking random throw away dialog and inflating its importance. Then again, that's all Robotech has left these days.
  15. The novels are just fanfic written by people who didn't understand what they were seeing.
  16. Actually they're just a stupid hater page written by idiots who think they're funny. It doesn't even have a fraction of the charisma of Something Awful or the Onion.
  17. The VF-9 looks pretty nice.
  18. Help me think of a funny annotation to put on my Southern Cross video. Right now it reads, "the writers at Topless Robot are idiots" which will display when someone watches my video even on their site. lol I changed the video title to something more appropriate.
  19. Hey that article is using one of my youtube videos. The one on the Auroran.
  20. I feel like the CDX ones could have been better. I'm probably going to re-do them. I think my opinions have changed over time.
  21. It's what the master wants.
  22. The SV-51 boosters, clearly.
  23. Ok let's break it down. The Tornado pack takes the VF-25 which has no delta wings and gives it delta wings. The VF-0D (and VF-11MAXL too) takes something that didn't have delta wings and gives it delta wings. Also the Tornado pack adds a twin cannon turret just like the armored Gerwalk.
  24. The Tornado pack is meant to resemble the VF-0D and the Armored Gerwalk, not the VF-2SS.
  25. except my pic from the series shows you're wrong. The only footage of him dying is nothing like that.
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