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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. You can only look at these if you take back everything you said about Roger. Jerks
  2. Robotech is a niche cult series that exists at the expense of a legitimate franchise. that's it.
  4. Did you guys check out Yamato's blog? There's a post talking about the 1/60 Monster kit.
  5. everyone in this thread needs to stop complaining and posts pics of the toy your angry emoticons mean nothing to yamato
  6. Might as well just throw them away. They're junk.
  7. Well the show wasn't that great to begin with. It could only go down to SEED Destiny levels at that point.
  8. They just don't respect the dead in that fandom.
  9. someone post a pic of another valkyrie wearing the armor plz.
  10. the vultures have begun their feast
  11. Yeah but it still has to spread its legs and cant them out slightly just to stand up. The prototype is still leaning backwards. I guess no articulation was a big advantage for the original Seeker toy when it came to stability.
  12. you know for all the bitching about the final product, this design looks like it would have many of the same problems.
  13. ok now start speculating about this stuff and draw up rpg stats
  14. Then why do you keep posting in it?
  15. Get off the internet.
  16. Gears are just Americanized VOTOMs.
  17. That just means there's more for the rest of us.
  18. That SDF-2 thread is hilarious. Some guy keeps saying, "if we want the Robotech story to be coherent we have to work through this!" He doesn't even let the idea of the story being incoherent enter his mind.
  19. What about Dr. Lang the magical protoculture medicine man? In Macross he has no name outside of "Hakase."
  20. That's a stupid description. If you can jump on a building, you are not a tank. If you can punch a guy, you are not a tank. I'm sure that stuff was just crap they thought up after the Mechwarrior games came out which have a terrible sense of movement.
  21. That's the old ARII 1/24 kit.
  22. Battlemechs are NOT walking tanks. You will never find a book that calls them that. It's just the idiot fans who play Mechwarrior and think that's anything like the board game.
  23. You see, that's one thing that sounds good on paper (see what I did there) but really that's the kind of shitty hamfisted writing that drags down most western sci-fi. "wait we need to fight against the unknown enemy we didn't mention before now" call me when they start fighting the Vhong from Star Wars
  24. Just an old school fan who has been everywhere and done everything. Most notably he produced some Space Battleship Yamato fanzines back in the day.
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