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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. background designs should stay in the background this is stupid and unrealistic. it doesn't even guarantee quality just go watch dougram if you want that stuff
  2. it's a popular pairing
  3. Trust me there's going to be more >:3 faced Aya kits out there for years to come. Get the VF-4.
  4. It's the same as Michel's.
  5. The brown VF-25 is the VF-25A type according to the gashapon figures.
  6. Ozma grabs and rips a piece off a Varja in episode 17. He even throws it at another Varja to make it explode. Astro Plan even had their Ozma YF-10 do it.
  7. Why do all the characters look like they've been stung by bees. They have lumpy faces.
  8. You know for all the self congratulatory talk from Macek about creating an evergreen series and not being "a fan" the guy seems to have some issues with being self-indulgent in his own work. He said that to him putting Southern Cross in the middle of the series made sense thematically and yet for such a savvy businessman he couldn't find any fault with putting the proven weakest series in the middle where it would lose the most viewers? And according to some sources it did lose a lot of people on its second viewing. And all the plot Spackle he tried to apply to Southern Cross just made it worse.
  9. Trying to be Tenjin and Mikimoto makes him look like a chump.
  10. That Shadow Chronicles picture is so poorly drawn. The way the Legioss's legs are flailing away in the back is really awkward. Tommy Yune is like the Rob Liefeld of mecha.
  11. So why did they decide to ripoff Jetfire's color scheme?
  12. The moral of the story is don't try to diversify your mecha catalog lest you get whiny fans. Also quoting TVtropes makes you look like a chump.
  13. I think they were talking about the GFFN and GFF Metal Composites which are some of the best toys on the market.
  14. I'm willing to contribute. I know this podcasting schtick.
  15. What parts are metal?
  16. did any of you actually listen to the ANNcast Macek interview?
  17. Macek's point was the model Robotech established is more viable than ADV's own sales model of just selling the shows without merchandise to people who are already fans.
  18. How do you guys respond to the fact that Robotech sold better than Evangelion and Macross's dub tanked according to Macek?
  19. I thought I said I liked Southern Cross on several occasions. I just don't like rabid fanboys who think their own conjecture is fact. Honestly Dave, would you care about this fighter if those bits of dialog didn't exist? Would you have any reason to believe it can? As I've said before, you can point to a lot of sci-fi plane designs out of Japan that have just as many or more details that you would interpret as "evidence of transformation."
  20. too gundam to make the cut
  21. All of that fan conjecture comes from ol' Red Leg. He almost froths at the mouth to prove his stupid fan theories.
  22. That's because he thinks the Slyphide fighter is transformable amongst other things.
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