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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. hey robotech fans in this thread can you stop supporting it and forget about the vague promise of some sooooooper epic space opera sci-fi cartoon you can join us watching some old, unrelated animes k bye thnx
  2. Right I know it's all Kawamori, but I recall a lot animosity towards the VF-25 at first. Some even said it was a reworked Sv-51 so I just wanted to point out a lot of the Macross 7 era styling and detail to the VF-25. I think it makes it seem a lot more legit as the next generation Valkyrie. Just to clarify, when I said intake I really meant the whole thigh. I think the feet and knee guards on the VF-14 are very similar. The VF-25 even has the same small detail on the top of the foot near the ankle and a similar foot profile. The VF-0's legs are more like the VF-5000. Very plain, straight, with a large leg fin. I'm not sure where the VF-0's intake/thigh looks similar as it is very simple and blocky. Probably the least stealthy part of the overall design. The retractable intake cover is fairly similar between the VF-0 and VF-25, where as the VF-14 has a more unique design but the thigh itself is more like the VF-25's. Although to be fair, both the VF-25 and VF-14 borrow heavily from unused Air Calvary Chronicles designs. Namely the Fz-109G Sturmzon and the LV-7 Excalibur. The LV-7 Excalibur was also used to make the Sv-51, which is interesting since the resulting airplanes they turn into look very different. Does anyone have that blue and white Kawamori drawing of the VF-25S? I remember someone posted a link to it and some promo images of a gray VF-27.
  3. All Valkyries are skinny. Just sometimes they're not drawn as such.
  4. Take this for what it's worth. Personally I like all the callbacks.
  5. A lot of the main character VFs get a weird Battroid egress system. Like the VF-1 has those weird superfluous lifting chairs, the VF-17 has this, and the VF-19 has that neat little top of the back hatch. The VF-11 is probably one of the few to do it nice and easy with the pilot simply getting out of the cockpit normally (seen when Kinryu boards the Armored VF-11). I guess the VF-25 is pretty simple too.
  6. needs more vf-4 fanart from pixiv
  7. they should make this one
  8. Yamato made the VB-6 and that was only in a video game at the time.
  9. so's the whole giant transforming robot thing
  10. That fan trailer is so sad. It's like they're more in love with the idea of Robotech than the show itself. And yet they still can't bear to distance themselves too much from the original designs. Oh but hey it's HI DEF amateur cgi models.
  11. That sounds like something that would be an LD insert but I can't find that on any of the LD's. It would have been used for this scene in episode 46 "Gamlin's Rebellion"
  12. time for some old man and old hag pixiv link pixiv link i like the title for this one. it's "shichoooooooo~" max wants to see the mayor
  13. why even comment if you don't like it jerk
  14. You call that a rant? I've uttered more scathing things half asleep.
  15. those poor jetfires
  16. I'll be doing the review for collectiondx.
  17. Macross 7 was more accessible than Macross Plus in Japan at least.
  18. it needs some fixed posed hands for pin point barrier punch
  19. So why did they re-use the VF-0's missiles for the VF-171?
  20. UN Spacy isn't real.
  21. Because they already have a CG model of the Cheyenne.
  22. The Cheyenne had crappy weapons, but the wheels and jet assisted jumps made it better than the later Destroids.
  23. The Tomahawk is older than the Cheyenne. And if you want to talk about evaluations, well the original three Destroids died a lot against non-transforming mecha, while the Cheyenne died a lot against transforming mecha. So the Cheyenne II has the better pedigree. Yeah that's just as stupid. He's a video game character who has to pilot a billion different Valkyries because that's the only way the player will get to use them all. And your precious Misty Klaus is from a bleeding turn based game. Does that mean she's really good when she and the Zentradi take turns strafing each other?
  24. I'm sorry if I find your example of a video game character a bit daft. Even for Macross.
  25. that doesn't count at all. that's like talking about how Rookie One is a better pilot than Luke Skywalker. No one cares. More like various attempts by Russian weapons manufacturers to extend the lifespan of their products with upgrade kits and new weapons. Or even licensing their designs to foreign manufacturers.
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