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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. that shot of the VF-19 flying off a 404 carrier not found is so damn sexy i want a poster of that
  2. your whole post makes you look like an idiot. First off, the Q-Rau re-release was after the new VF-1s and the Destroids came out. Second, just because the Destroids don't transform doesn't mean they're cheaper to produce. Third, and this is what pisses me off about this entire board is that just because someone makes a quality toy of something you like doesn't mean people are going to buy it. Now before you go asking why average customers weren't buying the Destroids, ask yourself if they're compelling purchases at any price. 9800 yen, you wait for it to go on sale. Say the MSRP was 6000 yen, people would still wait for it to dip down to 4000 yen. Fans need to realize now that almost anything can be produced, but that doesn't mean it will sell.
  3. VF5SS

    Limited Exclusives

    It is quantity and popularity as well as quality. Most of us forget that the 1980's, the so called Golden Age of Mecha, while stuffed to the brim with new shows the reason for this was that companies were always trying to continue last season's success. For a decade thought to be so successful, it also say the death of two of the companies that contributed the bulk of mecha merchandise for Macross. Takatoku died quickly after Dorvack and Imai lost a lot of steam after Mospeada, Galvion, etc didn't live up to the success of Macross. After that, mecha shows started to thin out and the big companies settled into their current ways. Bandai bought Sunrise and now mostly focuses on Gundam shows with maybe one or two different things to fill the gaps. Takara tried revitalizing Votoms but stopped after Pailsen Files (there is literally no new Votoms merchandise as of this time) and now focuses on making more Transformers. Also the rise of Video Games have created a new medium for mecha. Think of Kotobukiya, which is cranking out near Bandai level plamo kits based entirely on Video Game mecha. Not to mention the fact that many kids would rather play with the mecha in a video game than play pretend with a toy. You guys are lamenting the slow death of real robot, but what was so special about it anyway? It's just a trend whose time has passed.
  4. Yeah you're totally wrong. All three VF-22S were widely available and the VF-22S features new parts and is not just a repainted YF-21. The Fold Booster (you look really immature by continuing to echo the stupid pet name) was not included with the YF-21 and I didn't expect them to throw it into the VF-22S. The stand is pretty insubstantial since the original Sv-51/YF-21 stand is terrible.
  5. except time and again people aren't buying enough bad guys even when they get made did you do your part and buy a q-rau? at full price?
  6. lol you guys still don't get it they made the q-rau for as cheap as they could make it and nobody bought them they made the destroids for as cheap as they could make them and nobody bought them even the revoltech regult was a crappy seller nobody buys the secondary mecha unless it's gundam so now they're going with a sure-fire profit
  7. if you look close the VF-19 will have the opening Battroid cockpit gimmick.
  8. lol the latest episode of the anime82 podcast has Daryl Surat totally blasting robotech fans.
  9. Mospeada wasn't a bad show? Do you know what it's competition was at the time? The last days of Orguss and friggen Dorvack. There's no excuse for running for fewer episodes than Dorvack. And I swear you guys still have the Robotech butthurt mentality over Southern Cross. waah waah none of my favorite characters from Macross are in it.
  10. Mospeada sucked just as much. At least Southern Cross didn't randomly throw in the Lost World and Lupin antics.
  11. I wonder what possessed Bandai to copy Yamato's never released idea. Do your research, guys.
  12. this guy manages to never be funny but at least he isn't Wiigii
  13. Just watch jet jockey in action.
  14. Most of these shows are made to sell merchandise anyway. They're on Japanese TV for free so why would you want to pay to see something people just watch. It's like those dorks who buy every season of Friends.
  15. You know you want it. You wanna see this movie so bad. I sure do.
  16. why don't you just do it for the original shows and stop caring about robotech all together seriously robotech is stupid it's always been stupid just stop and it goes away~
  17. Maybe it's just the same kit colored like the SDFN-04 Global >:3
  18. Even Hot Rod can't be blamed for spontaneous monologues.
  19. Don't invoke causality.
  20. Yes the fold booster fits on the VF-22. They all come with the appropriate mounts.
  21. Why you gotta hurt me like this Bandai
  22. I ended up selling that toy.
  23. Well you can see it is almost identical to the picture here on the upper right. As much as there were a lot of unique pieces for the boxart, much of it was retouched lineart as well.
  24. just for reference he means this boxart which started out as a VF-1J sketch with a new head applied.
  25. Mospeada is just another unfortunate disposable title from the early 80's real robot boom. It almost died when IMAI took a huge hit in the 80's. Now it's just another relic caught between two markets. Also according to rumor, Big West and Tatsunoko were still fighting over Southern Cross. This is when Banpresto was looking to use it in a SRW game and couldn't figure out the rights. Bandai was a sponsor at some point.
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