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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. oh hawt
  2. oh man a UN Spacy kite dripping with blood, barely redesigned VF-1s, and generic hardcore animu chick clearly this will breathe new life into the fandom
  3. Toysdaily thread someone said the QC wasn't good
  4. it's a vf-22 revolution
  5. Both lines are meant to represent tiny robots in 1/1 scale. Although HoiHoi-san represents more of a practical product.
  6. you can unhinge the backplate without disconnecting the legs and viola, crouching
  7. He's not clever enough to be a minister.
  8. I think you need to make sure the diecast back bar is snapped onto the two screws as tight as possible. Also the intake block near the shoulders has a few small additional snaps. Honestly, I wouldn't know what else to tell you unless I had the toy in my hands. Mine always ends up like this
  9. A7 is our minister of misinformation
  10. He's done the VF-4, VF-17, and VF-19. Experten's blog
  11. Rodimus Convoy
  12. it might be still processing so the video quality should improve in a bit.
  13. I was contemplating doing a "how to transform the VF-22 back to fighter mode" video.
  14. Shouldn't you be doing the warm up tune from each time they play Planet Dance.
  15. Both the Max and Millia I have are perfectly fine. In the course of shooting that video the Max was transformed at least ten times so I've had no issues there either.
  16. yeah that was weird when i watched shadow chronicles Bin Shimada was twenty-something and made Stick sound like an earnest young man
  17. he sounded like an old guy kamjin is not an old guy
  18. i don't mean just the narrator, even Rock Huntear has to give a monologue about his freakin' gloves
  19. is that dialog all accurate to the show because goddamn did they talk way too much
  20. even the freakin' comics had that awful narration also what's with all the old skool anime fans wearing their support of Carl Macek like a badge
  21. Daily affirmations with RT fans. because you're good enough, smart enough, and gosh darnit... people like crappy stuff
  22. ok find me a screencap where the VF-1J has all those markings yeah i thought so
  23. sorry Max VF-1J, you are a super robot turn in your pilot wings, that's too real for you
  24. tan robots are more realistic than blue robots
  25. VF5SS

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    They gave me the toy.
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