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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. yeah check it. G2 Prime sound box with two AAs
  2. It's from my childhood ;_;
  3. Oh wow. My G2 Prime soundbox uses AAs. Must be a running change.
  4. The Panzer World Galient OVA is in the big subbed batch by X-Nebula. Same guy who did Dougram. The OVA is kind of dull really.
  5. If you check around places like youku, dailymotion, and even NicoNico at some point you can find the whole series. It's the same raws people have been trading for years now so there's probably a batch on Japanese P2P networks. I got all of Dorvack. That show is lulz. Also is any robot show with merchandise really rare?
  6. Marriage certificate
  7. what are you talking about everyone's heard of galvion it's the show that nearly put Imai out of business directed by Mr. MD Geist himself, Koichi Ohata
  8. durandal fighter mode did somebody order a man geh!?
  9. Yeah Kawamori didn't do anything on MP Starscream like redesign the lower legs entirely or the waist or the abdomen or the wings or anything else. Might as well not even say he was there at Takara.
  10. damn son p.s. did you know there is a bishibooru i do now
  11. hay shaorin are you gonna buy the CM's Megazone 23 III Eve super cheap at HLJ
  12. With today's technology we can make even bigger slowly rotating ventilation fans. imagine the possibilities
  13. lol what's creativity
  14. They're pre-built (I think) resin toys sold only at shows like Wonderfest. Check the rest of the blog and you'll see him selling them at trade shows. He's made VF-1s, VF-17s, VF-19As, VF-4s, and even VF-3000s.
  15. iGear's change to the MP Jet design is pretty bad. I have their Ramjet and it can't even stand up because of the wings on the legs. The sliding mechanism they use it also pretty awful and is prone to becoming unseated.
  16. well having legs and arms on the underside is inaccurate. well that's what they get for using bullshit magic CGI designs.
  17. yeah all from above amirite I don't know if monkeyjet is really something to be proud of but I also am not convinced you need to sacrifice the jet mode just to have something like monkeyjet. Stratosphere certainly looks fine as a jet even if that jet is a weird amalgamation of real life designs. Breakaway almost gets it right but he's still got chunky legs and those weird hand-feet that don't hide themselves at all. Man what's your beef with Valkyries? I'm not sure why you call them "highly skewed jets" when they're mostly realistically styled jets with a little sci-fi thrown in. And need I remind you that Valkyries were also mass market items (and might still be if you count the Revoltechs or Toynami toys).
  18. jeez mang, keep your anti-geewun down. It's a bit of a stretch to call Thew a G1 purist considering the depth of toys he likes. I like Thew and his reviews. He's just so British. Now I don't see how it's helping your case when the bottom of that Thundercracker toy is still a mess of robot parts. Well maybe the parts are neatly arranged but they're still clearly robot parts. Seriously, they don't pull this crap with car or truck Transformers.
  19. uhm no? Dude face it, even Gobots had better jet modes that Transformers. Case in point, toys like Heat Seeker, Bad Boy, Leader-1, and Royal-T have better jet modes. Their robot modes are a little quirky, but I can forgive them because they're small, simple toys. And hey, they can look cool when drawn. There are some good jet TFs like Stratosphere although he's a transport plane and not a fighter. We're over 25 years into this gig and most jet TFs haven't risen above a G1 Aerialbot.
  20. i wanna say the dude on the right he was one of the replacement pilots for Diamond Force.
  21. don't act like you wouldn't hit it the sooner you admit it the better
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