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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Ok ignoring what 1988 George Lucas said to Congress about how movies belong as much to the audience as they do the creator, the fact that people will buy Star Wars no matter what why not release an unaltered version? For the last DVD release the whole trilogy was done in both widescreen and fullscreen. Why are people being chastised when they only want to see the movie as close to how it originally was shown?
  2. Some Base Jabbers do have guns though. And the whole concept is really from the original Gundam where later on Goufs would ride around on Dodais.
  3. Well Boba Fett is super lame. He's just a guy people got to write fanfic about.
  4. Yeah but all those secondary characters you listed have the advantage of having actual personality traits. I'm struggling to remember any of Nexx's dialogue. And you can certainly have cool robot action, but to get the audience to care about the robot action (and by extension the robots themselves), the people inside the robots need to be people you care about. Change is a funny thing. It jingles around in your pocket while you're walking and you never seem to have enough for the toll booth. But yeah, the change in Macross II is just not well done.
  5. yeah whatever A7
  6. Because in order to have Sylvie interact with two characters who are non-combatants that means she can't do cool robot things. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but who does cool robot stuff other than Nexx (and I guess Feff)? No they just decided to copy the love story from Roman Holiday
  7. i reviewed the model watch it fall apart in the video lol
  8. Because II commits the ultimate sin of not being really good or really bad, it's just mediocre.
  9. no it still looks like a helicopter albeit with the rotors stuck somewhere else
  10. Haha that's a good joke. I know the Dark Side is very powerful, but I didn't know it had the strength of premium Rogaine. Unless Lucas is going to re-edit ROTS so that Hayden Christensen's hair remains unburned by hot lava I think that scene is safe.
  11. hay george fix this
  12. just paint the VF-25 gray and it's super legit yf-29 too
  13. I dunno I just found it on 4chan years ago. Probably from one of the Dragonar art books.
  14. Yeah the Max Gokin is based on this illustration
  15. This is amazing You need an account with FG-site to access the pics but here's some of them.
  16. well there was this from a few pages back
  17. Quickly you fools! Brrrrrrring me the head of the VF-0A!
  18. click here Shaorin
  19. Looking at pictures of the VF-0B kits seems to show that is has the same head as the VF-0D. Also man, why did Hasegawa make their VF-0D head so huge. It's really out of proportion.
  20. He forgot the shoulder packs.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPd5lyi_6Tw haha ESB revisited making Yoda's face twitch is so much better than just a puppet well people complain enough about Lucas that they'd eventually start imitating him
  22. Not saying Macross didn't have it's dark moments but whatever. It's just sci-fi melodrama exactly like the original Gundam and Space Battleship Yamato. A buddy of mine said it best, war in Macross is some unfortunate thing you have to do on the way to the j-pop concert. There's no genocide in Mospeada. Earth is doing pretty good all things considered. Yeah the Inbit are dicking around but hey they're fixing the planet and not attacking people who are aren't attacking them. Yeah there's stuff like Rainy Boy and the like but this is sandwiched in between "Let's throw Mint a birthday party!" and "Oh noes the Inbit stole Mint's panties!" Mospeada is a far cry form John Steakley's Armor. This isn't Nobody's Boy Remi.
  23. Do you mean this thing? Model Graphix February 2009 it didn't transform
  24. Not a magazine scan but does any of this help at all? Experten's VF-4 is fully transformable.
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