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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I think you need to let go of your Robotech fan butthurt and realize Southern Cross is an pretty good show.
  2. Yeah but at least Jeanne's ass is nicely drawn by a real artist. Lana-chan moe~
  3. Dude we're up to like 20 ass shots by episode 5. You'll get liver cancer. Let's not forget the scene where she's bent over a table while pretending to cry.
  4. VF5SS


    Just use a pixiv guide. It's easy peasy fo' sheezy
  5. lawl the scene where Jeanne's checking out a dress and then Marie comes in and tries forcing her subordinate to buy it for her. And then Lana comes in to tell Jeanne to go back to patrolling and after she leaves, Lana gets all excited about the dress. Clearly this show was ahead of its time because anime about girls doing stuff is super popular these days :3
  6. So I'm rewatching Southern Cross for funzies Every episode has at least one shot of Jeanne's heart shaped bottom :3 Also Bioroids are so badass Jeanne can take one out with her hand held rifle.
  7. Docker is also a jerk
  8. There's a secret to getting the raw pics from Yamato's site. but I'll never tell :3
  9. when did it become in vogue to claim that some fictional character who doesn't do things you like to have autism :v does she talk a lot about flower arranging. i figured she'd be into that.
  10. I know that's the one front view but maybe you shouldn't be comparing this stuff to a drawing Kawamori didn't even do :v but yeah whatever let's praise Bandai for copying Yamato's design wholesale
  11. Well you said VF-1 and VF-0 so I figured that was the same idea. But yeah you're right the VF-22's hip plates are a lot like the VF-19's. I'm not sure I agree if the VF-19's wings are like shields because they're kind of small for that. I do like the imagery of the VF-19 in VF-X2's opening where the blue VF-19 is in free fall with the wings spread out from the hips. wheeeeeeee~
  12. Uh dood, I think he's referring to how the wings are mounted on the hips like a pair of scabbards rather than tucking away semi-neatly on the VF-1 and its derivatives like the VF-0, VF-11, and VF-5000. Even the VF-17 has them fold away. And on the VF-22 they just tuck inside. Personally I luv the VF-19's hip wings. It goes a long way of making it a very distinctive design. If there's one thing about the VF-19 is that it's one of those Valkyrie you would never guess turned into an airplane.
  13. I wouldn't trade those early episodes for anything even though they are only a small hint as to the heights the series achieves later on. As far as pacing goes, it's not much different than most mecha series of that length. Gaogaigar and G Gundam for example change rather dramatically from their earliest episodes.
  14. Isn't Mylene like a main character too. We learn basically everything about her during the show as well. And don't forget Gamlin-san <3
  15. Yeah that was just Hideki Kakinuma spitballing for a new show.
  16. VF5SS


    If you check the modelers main page, he is working on a full MINMAY CANNON setup.
  17. If you check out the close-up of the skull symbol, you can see little slots on the legs for super packs.
  18. Yeah that was Chaser Platoon. He also did one called Broid. So it's been a while since I watch Mospeada, but why do the Robotechies insist she has teleportation powers? Pretty sure the only teleportation that happened was when people touch the Refles base and teleported inside.
  19. If you just want to be ignorant then maybe you shouldn't watch Macross 7.
  20. consider the following
  21. You keep saying this but I don't think you know what you are talking about.
  22. I don't think anyone can fully enjoy Shadow Chronicles.
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