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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I love you, Dave but I find your logic somewhat flawed. Freud might say you may have a Jolly Rogers fixation. As for the Plus scheme, you see, gray means machine and orange means caution so this VF-11B is perhaps the most dangerous Valkyrie :3 Ok here's the thing. They released the two VF-11 schemes that are the seen the most out of all Macross media. In fact, we've probably seen the VF-11C the most out of any Valkyrie ever. Ask a Macross fan in Japan and they'll probably say the VF-11 comes in either the Plus or 7 colors. Doing anything else for the first two releases is like trying to make a Zaku that isn't green or whatever color Char's Zaku is. I'm not passing judgment on the other schemes, but when you want to see a VF-11 then this is what people are going to expect. Do you have a source on this polling? I general I think they listen to the Japanese fans and not the foreign ones. I'm not sure how many of them were pining for a Valkyrie from a game that was over ten years old. And how many Milia non-VF-1s can you buy under MSRP? Because Milia's VF-22 is pretty cheap on HLJ. Hell they gave me one just to review :3 not that I'm complaining of course ^3^ As for the price, well it's the same deal with the Destroids. VF-1s are the cheapest because there's about 20,000 variants you can do with the same basic toy. And that's not counting two seaters which make up a very small segment of the VF-1 family. So coupling the fact you can spread the cost over so many variants and the fact the VF-1 is the most iconic Valkyrie ever it's a sure win at that price. With everything else it's not always a sure bet. Main character Valkyries do well, but secondary machines can sit around for a while. And honestly I don't think a lot of people were interested in the VF-11 so much by itself, but as an accessory to other Valkyries (much like the Destroids). And I don't doubt they sell they as cheaply as possibly given all the factors involved. I'm glad they made both VF-11s as I enjoy them both. I am disappointed that we may never see an armor set but I can hold out a little hope for some web exclusive down the line maybe. How about some 3rd party action being used to make armored parts for the VF-0 and VF-11. Clearly the fan companies are doing what everyone wants amirite.
  2. Could be a Destroid Spartan or ahem... Archer Battlemech.
  3. Yeah there's a question of notoriety when it comes to the VF-11 variants. Most of the games they were featured in are over a decade old now and aren't really desirable by a lot of collectors. Even the GNU Dou VFX2 variants were really slow movers. Plus I don't feel people are willing to go to the mat for the VF-11 as much as other Valkyries.
  4. There there, Renato. We all got hosed. Especially those who bought the Ozma and then had to buy the armored Ozma. What a rip.
  5. Ok here's a criticism of just the movie. All the characters are fascist psychopaths whose weird comedy only half works. Watching them get killed constantly because of their own incompetence gets old real fast. And if I want to see Michael Ironside in a terrible action movie, there's always Terminator 4.
  6. The sticker sheet is just based on the markings guide in the VF-19 Master File book. Yamato helped produce the book so they're using some of the markings from there. Like the Emerald Force logo was created just for the book.
  7. Yeah according to Hobby Search they were both January of 09.
  8. no no do it like this
  9. "If it's one thing I can't stand, it's when people nerd-rage about the people who disagree with the treatment of a classic science fiction novel and dismiss their criticisms simply as a fact of differing from the source material. They can't find anything reasonable about their complaints and only persist to whine about people who point out the differences between the two, as if it's massive heresy. So what? Like I said, "I'm not listening to what you're saying"! Quit bitching because I say so. " anyways As others have said, the Starship Troopers movie was not intended to be an adaptation of the novel and wasn't even meant to be a Starship Troopers movie. And when they did incorporate elements from the book, they simply used existing names and either twisted ideas from the book or just renamed things they were already planning on doing. This would be more forgivable if it was not literally THE Starship Troopers movie. With the major problem being that the people in charge of the license have shown they want to make every subsequent entry in the franchise like the first movie. You may say yeah well that's what sequels do, but the problem is this has been at the expense of more proper adaptations. As for the first movie, honestly I can take it or leave it. It's just Paul Verhoeven doing his thing again. It's definitely not as memorable as the first two Robocop movies and not something people really pine for. Not that I'm saying an adaptation needs to follow the letter of its source but it should follow the spirit. The OVA tried to do some things more like the book (in odd ways admittedly) and never really gets past being mediocre. The Roughnecks television series does deviate from the book, but the way it is written and is presented captures a lot of the good parts of the book by expanding on what was presented way back in 1959. And it does this in spite of incorporating some of the more irritating aspects of the first movie. It's all like if someone read the Star Wars novel Darksabre and based everything they knew about Star Wars on that and that they studios would only make things like that (lol irony) It's not like Starship Troopers is one of the foundations of military sci-fi and has been a major influence in the mecha genre for decades or anything :<
  10. I they missed the point of Voltron. Making a generic sci-fi last breath tale is kind of lame.
  11. Honestly the biggest problem with the movies is that it really poisoned the well for any serious adaptation of the book. While Roughnecks was close in spirit, even it was still using weird ideas and interpretations from the movie. Kind of like how we always complain about Robotech. I swear to christ if I hear "would you like to know more" one more time... The second movie was just a typical sci-fi horror/gore flick that used movie props because they were available. Ed Neumeier wrote the first movie and directed the third, but mang does the third feels like even more bad fanfic. Seriously, " i her u got religion?" What the hell. Also someone on the writing staff must have seen the OVA because both that and the movie show Rico playing football. Well the movie uses mutant gymnastic football but whatever.
  12. The OVA is nothing special. It tries to build on things mentioned in passing in the book and goes in a more generic direction towards the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8UtKt-COCA here's the Powered Suits
  13. jeez Seto, all that stuff you said sounds really convoluted and stupid like a bad fanfic
  14. Yeah even Peppy got Macbeth right so I'm trying to recall a quote from Ishiguro or Mikimoto where they said Misa was meant to be an idealized Japanese beauty. I think maybe it was in the Animeigo interview. As if all the images of her in a kimono didn't tell us that :3
  15. the entire cast of Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-On
  16. I think the issue with the pilots being farther forward was more due to the way the whole cockpit section connected via that flat metal tab into the slot. It cuts right into where the seat could occupy.
  17. VF5SS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-5000G

    Well it kinda is. The eye part at least. The rest doesn't look too out of place on the underside.
  18. VF5SS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-5000G

    If it does it like the Fz-109 then part of the neck should cover up the face. Unless it's like that in the game. I never noticed.
  19. I think they screwed up with VF-19s. Especially in relation to what the VF100's line had established certain features as a baseline. No landing gear? Why? The VF100's had them. Their (weak) excuse was the Fire Valkyrie usually hung out in Battroid mode but then they slap the buyer in the face with the included stand part that requires a Tamashii stage. They tried to fix it with the Blazer Valkyrie but it was awful and seemed very halfhearted. Leg missiles? The Fire Valkyrie didn't have them but the Blazer Valkyrie did. They're an actual plot point for the Fire Valkyrie in Macross 7 and I don't need to remind you how Bandai loves to include items no matter how little screen time they had. The newest RX-78 toys come with squidding SUPER NAPALM. It's like a VF-25 toy without the jack knife. Fists? We can't even get a full set of optional hands with the Fire Valkyrie without option sets? Bandai is FIST KING! Look at any SH Figuarts. My Kamen Riders are hand-tastic. Yeah we agree on the gun pod mounting issue. That was just inexcusable. Even the old 1/65 Bandai toy could mount the gun. And let's not forget that the Fire Valkyire was originally advertised as a VF100's before they decided to distance themselves from the stench of failure. So really the Fire Valkyrie would have been less feature laden than the previous entries in the line. And trying to do less common machines before a line is firmly established pretty much never works.
  20. I don't know what they did to Claude Leon in Robotech but in Southern Cross he's just your basic inflexible military leader guy. Like seriously, he big plan throughout this whole thing is just, "keep fighting them even if they nearly wipe us out several times over but hey if I send in main characters maybe they'll win." This kind of character is in a lot of mecha and sci-fi shows in Japan especially so I don't see what's so unique about him.
  21. Given how much the VF100 line botched everything and how even the Fire and Blazer Valkyrie managed to screw stuff up, I'm not surprised people were turned away from the line. The one they got right from the beginning had already been covered dozens of times by Yamato by that point. And in my opinion, it seems like most collectors (in Japan at least. judging by the toy sites I frequent) would rather just go for a bigger deluxe Valkyrie toy than a smaller one. Even back in the day there was more buzz for the 1/55 VF-1 than the smaller 1/100.
  22. ok i think i see what Brookie is saying he's saying the episode in question does not confirm (nor deny apparently) the existence of a giant spaceship that only certain people can see or hear being near the Macross. and that some later episode of the show does the off screen cover up by saying only the Macross is somehow in a mound of flowers. of course, everyone else must be really stupid to believe otherwise because clearly the all powerful dialog in Robotech does not support the idea I mean, it's not like someone out there would start claiming random background fighter jets are variable fighters based on snippets of dialog or anything.
  23. no i meant in regards to the pic you posted i know how it works in Southern Cross this is like my second or third time through it :3
  24. so uh I'm actually at that point in legit Southern Cross so how did these obviously techy mounds go from that to generic rocky ruins with a bunch of flowers inside them actually why do I ask since I know the answer is always some off screen bullshit
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