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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Maybe the VF-22S just isn't that popular ┐(´~`)┌
  2. VF5SS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-5000G

    The VF-3000 has a neat head, but it's still kind of a more toy friendly VF-1 in the end.
  3. Great. We should try to collaborate a time. I'm used to dealing with people in every timezone by this point :3
  4. hey would you guys be on my podcast we can talk Macross
  5. You got YamaBandaTakaTomy-toe'd It'll probably cost more And people will still buy it
  6. Alto is the perfect husband carves apples into planes and doesn't afraid of anything
  7. This is from the VF-11 thread but I feel it applies here. The completely made up conversation between a company and a fan
  8. We Southern Cross fans have the meme-tastic Lana Isavia kit and its optional chest plate to cherish forever.
  9. yeah where was that outside of some books for fans
  10. hey the wing stripes were more lightning bolty or conversion van-y
  11. no I meant the maroon one a bad guy uses
  12. yeah I kind of doubt this Transformers was kicking this show's ass and more people remember Voltron and Speed Racer not to mention how Dragonball Z is the most popular thing ever but whatever
  13. Yeah like Misa would ever stand behind Hikaru and like Hikaru would ever fire a gun that wasn't bigger than him false advertising
  14. hey they should totally make the one variant from VF-X2 am i right
  15. my body is ready, Gamlin-san ^3^
  16. just trying to make you a better hero Still if we limit this to VF-11s, there is still a question of notoriety. Like we saw before, even the Milia VF-22 doesn't command a lot of demand. And because they have to make the first two VF-11s, those two need to be a proven success before getting the more obscure stuff. It's like they don't start VF-1s on the two-seaters or VF-X. Just because someone makes it, doesn't mean people will buy it. That's the story of ever lesser Valkyrie ever made. Or just ask Mospeada fans :>
  17. do i have you convinced yet :3 Ok so I know you're being silly but come on. The animation is always more popular than the games. The games exist because of the animation. And Plus was on DVD usually around the time of the toys coming out. And even in the game what is a VF-11? The thing you get after the playing with the VF-1 when the VF-4 isn't in there. Thank Kawamori for the VF-0. Now we have something else to start off with.
  18. Yeah the actual model passes of the Enterprise D and others were done on 35mm film with the special effects done after it was all transferred to video tape. So they're going to use the raw footage and redo the effects.
  19. http://www.mangareader.net/788-35688-18/gundam-sousei/chapter-4.html GOSPEL ZAKU TRUTH
  20. Ok maybe I confused you by talking about Zakus. Although I think Zakus are more popular because they're piloted by regular people and charismatic villains. Green or not, they're something people can see themselves using. Also if you read Gundam Sousei (which is complete gospel truth), Okawara talks about repeatedly using the Zakus in the show to get people to like them and give the sense they are machine anyone can pilot. And honestly, bad guys in Macross are a non issue because very few people want toys of them. I mean who wants to be a dumb space giant, space god vampire, or a space bug? Only people who view these things as machines and not characters. These people are weirdos. Obviously Ozma sells more because he's a good guy with a good guy robot. Practically every Valkyrie falls into that narrow set of aesthetics and proportions that constitute a hero machine. So obviously, people want a hero over faceless space bug. With the VF-11 they fall into this category more as support mecha but they are still part of the good guys. Yes there is the element of doing cool things but there is also the element of exposure. Again, other than because you waaaaaaaaaaaaant it should they be making color schemes from games over a decade old? I don't think it's unreasonable to assume people would want something from the show they watched. That's why they're in the show. For myself, it's a combination of those things. I like the show and the Valkyries in the show. If you saw my video review of the VF-11C I still have my quaint little VF-11C Bandai kit and for me this was a chance to get something better. Maybe Yamato figured since it was part of the show (and an easy recolor from the VF-11B) that they could get some of the nostalgia for this Valkyrie and the kids who bought that little old kit. Clearly they miscalculated, but most of what they did was sound. They made the Mass Production type VF-1As and they never do anything cool. It's kind of tradition to make those. They even made that brown VF-1J for the lulz. I know it's difficult for us because we've been effectively excluded from the equation (not that international fans have a lot of say in most things Japanese) but we always have to consider what the Japanese fans want. These are toys made for Japan. We're just a nice bonus for online retailers. So really, we should be asking what's the buzz in the Japanese communities. They are difficult to pin down, but oh well. As for everything else? Let me use my completely made up conversation.
  21. Aramaki didn't direct that one mang. He did The Package. Written by Eureka 7 guy, Dai Sato.
  22. Also it's not like we didn't know the VF-11C was coming next since they went to all the trouble of engineering the escape pod feature even if it was only shown in Macross 7. Kinda like how the VF-1D was a shoe-in when we saw all the VF-1s would come with the removable nose section and mounting bracket which we seen even less than the VF-11C escape pod. it's all about patterns
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