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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. If you're just going to be ignorant of plot points in the movie then just go ahead. Whatever.
  2. Mospeada was kind of a bomb too. Why do you think it ended at 25 episodes.
  3. Nice booblights, ProtoStickLey Zero would be proud
  4. What's Milia's excuse for having at least 4 red planes. Also I don't think you know what a clown looks like. That's a clown. Besides, the Fire Valkyrie has the optional face with the white mouth part covered. It's pretty easy to swap out I hear.
  5. I must be blind because I thought Ronald was mostly yellow. Not mostly red, like some real airplanes.
  6. It really doesn't matter to them whether or not they're selling exclusives to people in Japan or proxy buyers. Most of the exclusives are obscure items and accessory packs. Bandai benefits from selling these items themselves because they don't have to convince retailers to stock these more niche figures and add-ons. Now I won't argue that the line between what gets to be mass release and what gets to be an exclusive can't be totally arbitrary but thems the breaks sometimes. Selling these things overseas again adds a layer of staffers who need to be versed in international shipping. Not that many online retailers don't do this, but how many Japanese toy companies do it on an individual customer basis?
  7. It never really amounts to much for niche Japanese anime. A company has to set up an entire distribution and support network for overseas markets and do so in the local language (usually English).So now you have to pay for English speaking staffers and a place to house all this. Yeah the Yen is favorable right now but at the time it was not. And stuff didn't sell then, why would it now? I'm not sure if Macross is ever a top seller for any of the online retailers we use. Although you have to remember that most of the popular ones like HLJ, Amiami, and Hobby Search also serve the Japanese collectors as well. Given the sheer number of Macross toys produced, you can't guarantee they are all going to move off the shelves. We've seen many just stay at online retailers for years on clearance. So now imagine that transplanted to small brick and mortar American shops. Not to mention how when Bandai attempted to team up Toynami that fell flat on its face. Pre-orders were low and stuff was canceled constantly. They couldn't even bring over the Soul of Chogokin Big O because of some weak excuse about Big O Tires having the name tied up in trademarks. So why bother?
  8. http://samada08.blog10.fc2.com/blog-entry-1774.html ohhwww
  9. Since those background shots start off with flat CG models of VF-25s they probably just reused what was on hand when they let Tenjin draw over it.
  10. because the Japanese market has easy access to these web exclusives and don't care.
  11. I never claim to be otherwise.
  12. Hey it's a slow burn like the TV series :3
  13. Hopefully we'll get a complete version of that scene without the cables in his next art book. Stitching the images is a little hard because those hooks and such move a bit as they pan down.
  14. All the VF-25s appear to have subtle differences in their markings. Nice touch, Tenjin-san.
  15. I'm not sold on Re:Fire!! yet but it's growing on me.
  16. It's a New Frontier! These 90's guitar riffs really speak to me.
  17. Chachipower is one of our resident metalheads on CDX if you couldn't tell by his MP-10 video :3 http://www.16bit.com/tfrm-starscream.asp G1 accurate starscream ^3^
  18. Can you summarize that. I don't want to taint my ears, which are listening to Fire Bomber right now.
  19. So I wanted to make a stitched image of the hangar scene and I noticed this That's totally a Mirage Knights symbol on that VF-25A
  20. Well I could just collaborate with one of you guys at a time. Editing two people together is like second nature to me these days.
  21. They just wanted to be like the guy from Voltron. Hey what isn't American about a guy named Ray?
  22. The old and newold waist appear to lack any moving skirt armor.
  23. got nothin on these Jetcon legs captain not saying MP-03 did everything perfect but at least the option was there so now does iGear have to bootleg the new version ps their new name is Jetcon. In Japan they were Jetrons so we should use the equivalent. Or Jeticon works if you're into that symmetry thing.
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