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X-Man III's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. great job man! I also love this thread!!!!!!!!
  2. Don't worry! In this site, BRICKLINK, youcan see a list of web-stores that sell all bricks you need!! I usually buy a lot of briks from MissingBricks or others!! Now I'm tring to do a VF-17 and a YF 19 with lego....
  3. THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!!!! I're roxx!!!!
  4. Absolutely AMAZING !!!!! A little request: could you make a great WALLPAPER (1280*1024) whit the SDF ??? It will be perfect for alla Macross fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You can see a my little work for a VF-01 Valkyrie full transformable lego model. I have put online all step by step instruction (you need MLCAD program)! go there http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=xman3
  6. With instruction set it's very easy to build... 2-3hours to complete all I think... Eheheh, now I'm on Arcadia's model (Cap Harlock ) and the YF-19...urgh very difficult to make with Lego, trasformation is too hard... Shoulders.... They aren't good, it's one of four particulars that I don't like and in future I'll modify.
  7. This is my first post: X-Man III presents: LEGO VF-01 Valkyrie Perfect Grade 1/44 For all peoples that love Lego!!! A long long story.... Macross/Robotech saga is the best anime/cartoon that I ever seen; when I was young I have a lot lego and I said:"Could I create a VF with lego??" Five years ago I start this adventure, but, for time and other, I never finish... Two years ago I decided to restart the model (that was awful..) and now I have my greatest VF-01. Software and models. Based on my Yamato 1/48 VF-1J model, I build my lego valkyrie with all new bricks that I discover on e-shops, lot of that are very cool and smooth. The result is very close to Yamato model and I very proud to do the possibility at everyone to build my model. It's very simple: 1. go to my brickshelf gallery (below) and download *.mpd file (I have made some colour schemes). 2. go to ldraw.org and download all packages for MLCAD and other app (remember to download also the UNOFFICIAL PARTS list to have ALL lego bricks). 3. open the *.mpd file of Valkyrie and set VIEW MODE (instead od edit mode) and see all step-by step instructions. 4. you can make a list of all bricks from MLCAD to assembly. 5. go to Bricklink.com to buy all bricks that you missed.... 6. ...and enjoy yourself!!! Images and gallery. I have a little gallery on Brickshelf where there are some rendering images of vf-01 that I created. Render images are made with Pov-Ray, I'm a n00b with rendering but with bit more of experience.... You can see at this link!! Lot of Idea but not time... I'm always at unversity but I have a lot of idea about lego and Veritech... On my plain there is a project about VF-17 Nightmare and YF-19 Excalibur and the Elintseeker VF... Maybe in the future! And other modfied will arrive to improve the VF-01!!! finally, some pics!!
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