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Everything posted by LocoMacross

  1. Well I saw this one going for $200 at ebay, plus is in the US http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280511268570&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  2. The last stand
  3. I just went to my favorite anime store and I will pick up mine next week
  4. Thank You very much, I will do that!!!
  5. Compaund, any brands and where to get, I really appreciate your help guys!
  6. I has no dent and is pure plastic, no paint, If you seen an Xterra you would no what I'm talking about, Thank You
  7. I just bought a Nissan Xterra, I was very proud of my new car, but some old lady gave me a nice little scratch, any way the front of the car is plastic, so I was thinking if there is a way to erased that with sand paper for plastic, any sugestions?, I would really appreciate the help from modelers!
  8. What kind of guns do you have or collect? Do you prefre beretta or glock? 402347[/snapback]
  9. I never bought more than one on any of the other toys, but on this looks like i'm going to get minimum two, goodbye Ipod
  10. Sell it for parts, and then buy the Fast Pack version
  11. Yo Kevin, when can i expect mine, pls. I already send u the payment
  12. Well hopefully good sales translate into more projects, It would be nice if we see more enemy mecha
  13. With all these news about new Yamato-Macross products, i wonder how did the sale of the monster went, maybe it was better of what they expected, hopefully this would translate in new products from Yamato.
  14. Actually I really think that this is the only site, that help me pass through my work day, everyday, and of course the sharing of macross knowledge on these forums. VIVA LA MACROSSWORLD!!!!!
  15. Finally, I can believe there use to be a life wihtout Macrossworld, you guyz rule, I really appreciate all the effort that is put on maintaining this site alive. Welcome Back!!!!!!!
  16. LocoMacross

    Low Viz

    Yeah part of my humble collection
  17. LocoMacross

    Low Viz

    I stole mine , seriously, I bought a box of four Takara MPC Convoy, each come up to $78.00 each, these are a group of graphic designers that believe they are expert on anime, well my big surprise was when I went to offer my MPC, I saw on his desk the Low Viz, and I ask what was that and he said: "Some Japanese Plane/Robot!!!!!" , I told him if he wanted to trade that plane with my MPC, and he look at me and smile are you sure and I said yeah!, he grab tha mint box and was jumping of joy for the trade, he told that If I was aware of the price increment of the future for an MPC comparte to that gray plane, and I was sure, he tough he got the best part, but now you know who got the best part, and I don't care if in a distant future a MPC Convoy cost more than a Low Viz, I own both so what do I care, Ha
  18. Canyou tell what scale is it?
  19. It is a carrier, I took a picture, it's on the deck of the Intrepid, in NYC, that was for Fleet week, I took some shots of the deck so I can play with them later adding Macross symbols P.D. this plane reminds me of Hikaru's Acrobat plane
  20. the last addition to my collection
  21. Thanks dude, I still two open a couple of more items. Well the only CF that i have it's the TRU,limited edition, so I don't think I will open that one, I need help transforming a VF-19a I like to display it as a plane
  22. I use to build models in the pass, now, with back with some free time, I want to start with the vf-2ss any links for guidance on any tips on how to work this model kit Thanks
  23. This my small, but proud collection, and still growing
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