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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Which raises an interesting question... Are zentradi bred for their rank, with higher-ranking positions filled with larger, more authoritative bodies? Do they use the miclone system to adjust size with major promotions? Do they just keep growing through their life and after the ages it takes to rise to a rank like Britai or Bodlozaa's you have amassed quite a large height? Or was it a freakish coincidence that the highest-ranked warriors had the largest bodies? I don't think Zentrans get promoted much. They get cloned/created/programmed with a specific IQ and abilities in mind. So the grunt is designed with an IQ of 100 and won't ever become officer material. Junior officers get IQ 120 and never become starship captains etc etc.. Guys like Vritwhai were meant from the start to be fleet commanders. So for some internal consistency, we should assume Max clubbed a Zentran admiral. But looking at the above drawing, even Vritwhai/Britai's uniform wouldn't fit on a VF-1. And in the TV series the uniform on Max's valk was pretty loose fitting. I suppose.
  2. Better for clubbing Zentrans on the head with?
  3. There doesn't seem to be many comments or articles on this fighter on the net. And most people leave it out when discussing fighter vs fighter topics. Anyone here has any comments on this bird? Did the Japanese spend too long developing it and are they stuck with a relatively óld design?
  4. It matches what is shown in Memory Perfect, so I'm inclined to say its legit. having an understanding of balistics and trajectory... its a poor design to be fired in an atmosphere, let alone have a limited propellent capacity. Just like the AMM missiles. Looks really unaerodynamic for use in an atmosphere. Heck, even the VF 1 isn't very aerodynamic for atmospheric use.
  5. You know, even with that kind of crazy power and low weight, 48 secs from brake release to orbit is still quite impossible.
  6. Yeah but it will be a special F-15 Rules Lawyer Streak Eagle variant with really bald and slippery rubber compound tyres that lock with minimal force?
  7. So can one cheat by having the plane smoke down the runway with the wheels locked at 200 kph and doing the brake release just before lift off? Or heck, just take off with the brakes still applied! Anyway, looking at the power to weight ratio of the YF-19 and assuming its got a cd of 0.000000001, it still doesn't seem possible for it to pull that 48 sec stunt unless Eden has a really really thin atmosphere which somehow doesn't seem realistic given its earth like gravity and other conditions. (well, that big ass white bird thingy shouldn't be able to fly too if it was earth). I just assume Isamu was talking out of his ass.
  8. If you look at the TV series or DYRL, even the VF-1 series were pulling incredible gees when doing their combat acrobatics. But you could probably put it down to animation errors and creative licence. 48 secs to 60-65km from standstill is still nuts though.
  9. I downloaded it from imesh and the jet blast at the start of the song REALLY ANNOYS ME! The japanese and the instrumental version don't have the jet blast. Only the english one does.
  10. I paid $90 usd for mine. Opened it up, didn't really like it and am selling it for 85 bux now. For 12800 yen RRP you would think they should bother to panel line the damn feet! The feet stick out like a sore thumb. It should have been Miria's butt that stuck out! Mine was missing an instruction booklet too. Is there one?
  11. I wished they had panel lined the Q-Rau's foot. The non detailed foot sticks out badly. I'm gonna have to go buy a gundam marker just for this.
  12. Yup, thats my point when I started this whole post. Battletech players (and there are loads of em outside Japan) really love the Glaug/Marauder and Tomahawk/Warhammer. Now we just need Graham to convince Yamato. They might not be doing the Glaug since they can't recolour it and sell many batches, but having Battletech fans buy em would help offset the no-recolour factor. GLLLAAAAAAAUGGG!!!!!!
  13. Aren't the Russians known for creating reliable GI-proof weapons? I mean, I don't know of any Russian weapon that had troubles like the M16. --------- Vifam7 A large part of the failures of the initial bunch of M16s were _not_ the rifles fault. Due to whatever beaurecratic mess ups, the ammo used was not the ammo specified by the weapon designers. It was the ammo mismatch that caused the jamming.
  14. I know that fully auotmatic fire is not a good way of hitting a target myself, it was just the most visual demonstration I've yet seen of the point! The british army used to drill that fact into its recruits. Have 2 sets of 6 steel plates. Have 1 rifleman using a bolt action rifle vs 1 machine gunner on full auto. Rifleman always wins.
  15. Its for holding the countermeasures and ECM. Probably helps with the streamlining too.
  16. I don't understand why the Battletech 'Longbow'which so closely resembles the Macross Phalanx is still in use. It recently appeared in Mechwarrior mecenaries. How come this one got through?
  17. 400 rounds, if I recall. The size of the muzzle is not indicative of the size of the shell being fired. The part that exits the muzzle is a small part of the bullet. Most of it is powder and casing, which is ejected. Case in point, the A-10's 30 mm rounds are actually the size of a milk bottle before firing, which is, what, 60 mm? Its indicative of the diameter of the shell being fired, just not indicative of the size of the cartridge. The vulcans have a drum holding about 475 -575 rounds. Good for about 4-5 secs
  18. It probably uses a helical magazine (like in the real life FN90) or the ammo is belted and the belt cramped into that area. As for the 10 sec firing time being enough and the comparisions to WW2 fighters. Well this is a valk, its gonna be outnumbered 10 to 1 at the least. Anyway, a simple beam weapon would have sorted it out. But running out of ammo is a nice plot device to have anyway.
  19. After all that griping about the price, I finally bought one for $90 usd. Pondering if I should panel line it a bit more. Ughhh, the Miria figure is the worst thing about the toy.
  20. Ouch, if true then the valks sure have serious tactical drawbacks. IIRC, they had like 200/300? rounds only? Thats like 20 secs of firing? With all that OT I guess they should have used beam weapons like on the Regaults. Its not as if the beams on the Regaults were weak too. In the show we see VFs getting blown apart from a single blast from the zentran pods.
  21. Has there ever been any lineart showing external clips or magazines for the GU-11. Were they even mentioned in any canon source? Or is the GU-11 only reloadable back at base?
  22. Óhhhhhhhhhhh......GILVADER!!!!!!!
  23. Thats because the original Stalker was real ugly. Football on chicken legs.
  24. Can anyone tell me if the Battletech ostol and ostscout were based on the Regault?
  25. WTF?!?!?! If FASA had the rights to those images WTF didn't they use it for their US release? Sure looked much better then most of their crappy box on rectangles designs. Anyway, my original point is still about the potential Battletech market Yamato can tap with the Glaug and Tomahawk.
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