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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Anyone else here watched it? It has its moments, and I liked the numerous sword fights. But the story was kinda lame and slow at bits. Couldn't stand the long drawn out dancing in the last bit and the Geisha rehearsals.
  2. None of the girls I know liked this movie. All the guys loved it. Probably cos the chicks don't see all the anime and kung-fu parodies and cliches. Oh, and the blood fest.
  3. Wasn't those the Indian Mig-21s ?
  4. On the subject of YF-23s. Anyone here watched Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla 2003 (or was it 2002?). You get to see 3 nice tributes (or shameless rip-offs) of the YF-23.
  5. I like the Tie Interceptor, but it looks kinda frail and needs a couple of thrusters on the main body to round it off a bit. Favourite design in all Star Wars and best looking starship all round has to be the Executor. Imperator class follows. Britai's flagship looks cool too, though many think it looks like a green potato. I like the Fluttering Petal fighter from Renegade Legion. Some of the fighter designs from arcade shooters aint bad. Can't remember their names though.
  6. I think its more likely he retires from war together with Sara. Really hoping to see the VF-1 make an appearance in full 21st century CG glory though. C'mon! Make one! I'll buy the 1/48 toy in corresponding colours if you do!
  7. I believe I see what you mean. It's towards the back. As to what it fires, definitely not RPGs. The tubes are too small and the RPG-7's we're all used to picturing is front-loaded. Probably home made rockets.
  8. Yeah, scrap the F/A-22 and bring back the beautific YF-23 (F/A-23) so that I can finally get a Hasegawa F-23.... or Dragonwings F/A-23 ...droooollll.....
  9. A model of the XB-70 made an appearance in DYRL. So its in by a technicality.
  10. I love the jets, but the story SUCKS. IT SUCKS! IT SUCKS! SUCKS!!!!! It doesnt even offer a reasonable explanation as to why the homo buggers are acting all wierd. They just act wierd and depressed, go out and fly, act all wierd and thats it. WHAT KIND OF STORY IS THIS?!?!?!?
  11. How much are these worth? I see a few round my parts going pretty cheap for such a huge toy.
  12. Destructible terrain!?!? Heh heh heh, if they have a persistent online world and knowing how players are, fairly soon the whole game world would become nothing but rubble......
  13. DANG! That is one BEAUTIFUL model. The pictures are very well taken too. Those shots of the nose make it look better then the real thing.
  14. I like the Ta283. Its got a real hot-rod look.
  15. The answer is simple. Kawamori has stated that the REAL story is the TV series. The DYRL movie is supposed to be a movie based on the TV series. So Max was never macronised.
  16. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?UTK72182
  17. Only 2 were built. AV1 and AV2. AV2 was in subsonic flight when the tail was clipped, I don't think lowering the wings would have done anything other then worsen the situation. AV1 (the onein the museum) wasn't rated for Mach 3 flight.
  18. Is there a pic or two on the net of these suckers going off? If the Luftwaffe had these in WW2 it would have been nuts if dropped into a B-17 group.
  19. It happend in 1967 IIRC. A volley of six SAMs got near enough to cause shrapnel damage. No Blackbird got shot down, but in the context of the XB-70s cancellation, the XB-70 is a much bigger bird and doesnt look half as stealthy as the SR-71, esp with those big folded down wings and boxy air intakes while not being any faster.
  20. The cockpit interiors can be found on the original Battletech board game mech sheets I think.
  21. In its then current form, no way it could have been a viable commerial jet. I was dreaming of a refined 70/80s version of the design. Maybe cut the cruise speed down a bit to Mach 2.5/2.8. Would still be faster and cooler looking then a concorde.
  22. Armament: Two 20mm cannons in tail; 8,044 lbs. of photo flash bombs Found this line in a description on the Real life RB-66. They meant to illuminate the place for photo taking? Or to blind the enemy?
  23. Well, the SR-71 was just as fast and smaller (with smaller radar return I assume) and even the SR-71 showed that it wasn't immune to SAMs. So it made military sense not to go ahead with a fleet of these. They should have made it into an SST. Would have kicked Concorde's arse right out of the air.
  24. It appeared in Macross as well. It was a model in Hikaru's room. You see it in one scene. The downward folding wings on the XB-70 makes it the COOLEST looking wing in my book. Way cooler then swing wings (forward or back). And the way they stacked six jets in a row for that millenium falcon/hot rod effect. And its like a late 1950's design!!!! Even today, building something like that again would be a major bitch.
  25. Did any of you buy the Dragonwings F-18C? The damn air-brake refuses to stay in its retracted position. It keeps popping out. Did you guys have to file the bugger down to get it to stay? Me waiting for the F-15E....
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