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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. 1. Not sure if turning the plane slighty towards the target would help the energy of the missile (i.e. missile doesn't have to waste too much fuel twisting backwards). 2. Probably exchanging harsh stares with the Flanker's wingman.
  2. That doesn't quite gel with the image of the Emporer as protrayed in the first 3 movies. Darth Vader was more afraid of the Emporer then a boot-licker and anybody else below Vader was also scared as hell of Vader (except for Tarkin). Both the Emperor and Vader seemed liked people who hated bootlickers and took no nonsense from fawning subordinates. Certaintly not the type of leaders who are controlled by their assistants and entourage.
  3. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Stupid EU with the Suncrushers and force inhibiting lizards and what not feels more like Star Trek. Heck, even the happy ewoks parts in ROTJ doesn't quite gel with the gritty ESB or NH. I never bothered with the EU books after the Thrawn novels. The Suncrusher SUCKS.
  4. I would think that in a conventional war, the Flankers would be protecting the bombers from the carrier battle groups as well as the above mentioned fighters from Japan, Alaska, Hawaii. Will be quite suicidal to run all the way into US coastal waters IMHO, so the bombers should be launching from miles away. They'll probably hit Okinawa before they hit the continental US. edit: Blackjacks? Don't they only have like less then 10 of em operational?
  5. Tell me about hot casings. I had the imprint of a 5.56mm cartridge on my right arm for about 4-6 years before the thing faded off. The guy on my right was left-handed so he was using the cartridge deflector plate. All nice and well except that one got deflected _my_ way!
  6. Eh? I dont recall Roy and Max using the GBP. When was this?
  7. Wouldn't 9G's kill a human pilot? Guld Bowman could do it 9Gs can be endured by trained pilots but at 9Gs, the pilot is mainly just riding it out. He isn't going to be able to twist his head around and punch all those fancy buttons on his dashboard during the 9Gs. Another reason why HOTAS is a good idea.
  8. I prefer the Fw-190 D series myself.
  9. There are actually 2 coloured versions of it. I saw a lot of them selling in HK when I was there a few weeks ago. HKD750 or about US$100.
  10. Sorry I don't get that bit. A turbojet at high alt would still have slow acceleration? Oh, and I see you are still sore about the YF-23.
  11. Hey David, do you have figures or could you point out any site where they show how the output of the different jet engines vary with altitude? I keep seeing the power/height charts for the piston fighters but never any for the jets.
  12. I saw a lot of votes for the Sulaco on the fave cap ship thread. You guys might be interested to know that Aoshima is releasing a 1/2400 kit of the Sulaco very soon. About 2500 yen retail or 25 usd.
  13. The CG Protoss Carriers and Terran Battlecruisers from Starcraft were pretty cool. I loved the opening Brood War CG movie.
  14. Different sci-fi world. Maybe beam sabres were not possible in the Macross universe even with OT or they dont work as well.
  15. When I saw it, I thought it was the real Yamato toy, but repainted with a really glossy paint job.
  16. what the heck is that called???? i've thought about this ship but couldn't remember what it really looked like(other than the big ass gun in the front) or what it was called? i must've been 4-5 years old when i saw this cartoon.....what the heck is this ship called??? Ummmm dude thats the yamato... But when he watched it, it was probably called the Argo.
  17. Well, people can't live comfortably in a football stadium for months though. Seriously, if you stack em up in houses on multi levels sure, you could pack 50,000 people into a 1km long ship. But thats only if you pack the living quarters like multylayered sardine cans. In the TV show, we have hospitals, open parks, concert stadiums, movie studios and even a freakin valkyrie patrolled military base all stuffed in?!?!? Watch the Max vs Miria fight inside the ship, the houses weren't layered on top of each other.
  18. The Centauri have artificial gravity; in at least one episode Star Fury pilots are given a briefing on Centauri tactics and thats specfically mentioned. I'm not absolutely certain, but I believe the vessels of the "Hyperion" class [1] don't have gravity, as I think we always see the crew strapped down in them. I don't think its ever stated for definite that the Narn have artificial gravity, but as we usually see them strapped down the assumption would be no. And Haterist... I think this is relatively mild, comparatively speaking. I used to hang out on a UK B5 newsgroup, and long, heavily involved, complicated discussions on physics was pretty much another way of saying "hello" on that... Heh... In Star Trek, every conceivable system on the Enterprise has failed one time to another, lights go wonky, bridge consoles explode, replicators fail, holodecks go berserk, transpotters go off line, sub-space anomalies cause everyother thing to go nuts... BUT THE ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY GENERATOR WORKS WITH 100% RELIABILITY even if full power to the ship is lost! Heck it even works on derelict wrecks floating about in space! Has there ever been an episode of Trek which showed zero-G inside a ship?
  19. I like the Harpy. I think it would still look nice even if the two carrots from the front were removed and the nose remained shaped like an A-Wing. In fact, it would look a lot better IMHO if the carrots were replaced with more linear looking twin booms. It looks too lumpy IMHO.
  20. Remember the LAVI... (edited for spelling) They doing that to the EF2000 and the Rafale now in Singapore. The F-15E is probably going to win the deal.
  21. 1/64?? Thats a weird scale. Over here I never seen them, only seen the Corgi WW2 bombers. Those are stupidly priced (over $100 usd).
  22. I don't collect TFs, and am thinking if I should get the MP Convoy or the Binaltechs (either the Impreza or the Viper). They look far different from any TF before. Like comparing Yamato 1/48 to Bandai sculpts for Macross. Are these MPC and Binaltechs playable? I mean, can I transform em often and not worry about having em break or chip? Is the transformation an hour long process like on the Yammies?
  23. I don't remember ever seeing or hearing of a kit, model or resin whatever of an F-15 ACTIVE. People may have scratch built one though.
  24. Zatoichi? Probably. I never heard of this story before. What are the ones that came before this movie? Was it from some manga?
  25. I have never seen this Revell product. Looks ok from the smallish pic. Now we need David H. to come tell us if it really is a D or an A/B or some hybrid Revell came up with..... I collect the Dragonwings line of 1/72 die cast. I currently have the F-15E and the F/A-18C. I also have one Gaincorp Su-27 in PLAAF markings. My favourite. The Flanker looks so elegant and huge. The Dragon products seem to have finer panel lining but the Gaincorp product has movable flaps and slats and rudders.
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